Which tool do I need to remove this object?

Hi. I want to remove the bright white of the streetlight in this image. I tried with the re-touch tool but it’s too big.

What’s a tool or thing that I need to learn to remove it? I’m using PL 7. Thanks.

I’m not at a machine that has PL installed so I can’t give you a screen shot but you can change the size (and feathering) of the retouch tool.

See if this video tutorial helps:

I don’t understand why you say this. You can change the size of the brush and zoom in closer to precisely paint over the object you want to remove. And if the repair mode isn’t good enough, you can try clone mode instead.

If you’re happy just turning the light “off” - in other words, changing it from bright white to black - you can also use a control point or control line to create a mask over the white light and use various adjustments to get it as close to black as possible.

I used the retouch tool. I zoomed into 1600% so I could apply precise masking, and used the clone tool with around 50% feathering. I adjusted the size of the masks to fit my requirements and carefully applied several small masks to remove the light and the top of the light pole. It took me around 2 minutes because I wanted to ensure that the sky colors of the masks I created were consistent and blended with the surrounding sky. In addition I was careful with my choice of replacement areas to ensure a color match. Is this what you wanted to accomplish? I have attached my .dop file but it will only work properly with jpeg file I downloaded, not your original raw file.

9755d482efcd61b750d0276102e8ea01b07b0e1e.jpeg.dop (12.1 KB)

In this alternative version I also removed half a dozen dots of light in the shadow areas of the lower half of the image which I felt were a distraction and added no value.

I hope these versions are close to your original intention.


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Oh that looks great. Thanks for explaining what you did.

I’ve used the retouch tool for small specs but haven’t used masks much so I’ll look into it. Cheers.