Which graphics card do you use with Photolab?

I have the slightly older RX 480. Your RX 580 more or less is a more efficient RX 480.

There are some settings that can be tweaked that really improved the stability of my RX 480 in DxO PL without resulting in less performance or error in other applications.

First of all, disable OpenCL in the DxO PL settings. OpenCL in combination with the RX 480 has been very instable on my machine.

Next, you can change a setting in the AMD Software. I assume you have AMD Software Adrenaline Edition installed and set to English. Make the following change

  1. In the AMD Radeon software, go to settings (the gear icon in the upper right corner).
  2. Select tab Graphics
  3. On the bottom of the page, you’ll find a collapsible menu Advanced. Expand that
  4. The second the last option is GPU Workload. Default setting is Graphics. Change this value to Compute

Last but definitely not least: performance and stability differs per AMD driver release. The latest version, 22.11.2, is really instable. But the previous release, 22.10.3, turns out to be quite stable with the change made above. While typing this, I processed 19 images of my Canon EOS M50 without a problem