==> If you want to quickly send us: you can use http://wetransfer.com/, my email is qbdo@dxo.com
Or if you want an official way, I will ask our custom support.
==> Yes, PhotoLab still misses this feature. It is in our backlog and we hope that we can release in the next version.
==> “Original” means PhotoLab will use the color space indicated in the exif.
In a camera, it usually has 2 options for color space : sRGB or AdobeRGB. When you shot even a Raw image, if you are selecting AdobeRGB for example, in the exif of your Raw image, we have information about this AdobeRGB.
The term “Original” means that PhotoLab seeks for this exif field and use this color space.
Finally, in terms of color space, PhotoLab proposes 4 options:
- sRGB
- AdobeRGB
- Original (which turns out that it is sRGB or AdobeRGB depending on the camera setting)
- Custom (you can select an icc color profile)
As you point out “i put mine other raw application in sRGB colorspace because of monitor limitations and most used viewing purpose on HDTV (sRGB). so export is also bound to sRGB in my initial settings.”, then in your use case, we propose to use sRGB in PhotoLab.
Hope that the information above can help you.
Best regards,