Another change in behaviour I ran into today: previously (I run 6.2 because of bug) when I changed the color temperature directly, by selecting the value and typing another value, (with or without the ‘RAW White Balance’ being switched on, and ‘setting’ being ‘as shot’), the color temparture changed, and also ‘RAW White Balance’ was switched on and the ‘setting’ changed to ‘Manual or custom’.
In the current version, when I select and change the color temp, it ignores the value (and keep’s the RAW value from the shot so to speak), but the ‘RAW White Balance’ is switched on and the ‘setting’ changed to ‘Manual or custom’. Thus you have to change a second time to really change it… Strange, and also makes my workflow longer again…
Anybody else notice this?
The mystery starts when you open an image the first time and wb wasn’t effected by the used preset. WB is not activated, the shown value is 5400 but the used value is As Shot.
My thought is that one can’t de-activate wb, it’s always used. Switching on of the wb button means that the used values has/might been changed from the initial. Now it seems that PL has 2 initial values: 5400 and As Shot.
Now your remarks as I see it on my pc.
New image.
WB: off
Setting: As Shot
Temp: 5400
Tint: 0
Now I change the temp to 1300
WB: on
Setting: manual os custom
Temp: 5202 !!!
The wb shown is probably from 5202
Entering 13000 for the second time gives me temp:13000 and tint:1. The shown image is now in 13000K.
I doubt PL will react on this.
PS. The 5202K is the As Shot value.
The first time you change the temp acts as a wake-up call.
my default preset has WB tool enabled / set to “As Shot” ( as DxO continues to avoid providing “Auto” option, even when for a long while raw files from more-or-less modern cameras have tags for both WB set in camera and ALSO “auto” WB in them (camera’s own auto WB) at the same time - so DxO even does not need to bother with their “Auto”, then can simply offer “Camera Auto” option ) - so no ill effects.
why’d you have WB tool disabled by default ? it is not like WB will not be applied by a raw converter regardless of that.
You have to ask PL for that. It’s not really disabled, it means ‘not change’, but it shows the wrong value in the beginning:5400K.
I was asking OP - asking DxO is 99% useless … his troubles are solved by creating a default preset w/ WB tool enabled
Even he doesn’t “disable” the WB, it’s PL. Forget the 99%.
Yes I have the same behavior, the value entered is not modified but the adjustment goes into “manual or custom”.
I think it’s a bug, the value should change.
I have it enabled by default, but the ‘setting’ ‘as shot’ should be changed. As long as this setting is not ‘manual or custom’ it behaves likes this. Very unlogical… and I don’t understand why the behaviour needed to be changed…
Adding the setting to ‘manual or custom’ to a preset also copies the exact color temperature… And that is not what I need. I need to see what it was, and play around with it…
I see what you mean - you try to change WB by typing a value… I always use a mouse to move sliders - with mouse it works w/o issues, but with typing the value the code in PL6 indeed is buggy …
This bug has 2 behaviors according to the modified adjustment:
- Temperature: not modified value
- Tint: modified value but not taken into account
I think it’s something as a wrong initializing of the routine. Like showing the 5400K at first. After you have first changed the values everything behaves well.
The slider doesn’t follow the value, but the value follows the slider.
This article sheds some light on what PhotoLab is actually doing at the start:
what it has to do with DxO not offering Camera Auto option ( because as noted it is already available in raw files for modern cameras, so DxO does not need to bother work out their own Auto if they can’t for whatever reason ) just like the offer “As Shot” ?
Interesting indeed. But my issue has more to do with changing the color temperature. I can live with the values DxO derives, I just need to change them a lot of times.
@miloman Out of interest, is this the behaviour you’re experiencing?
Post 27 (with a video) in this thread - posted by myself
No, sorry… Most likely it is related though. In my situation (windows btw) previously when I type a value into the temp box, it applied the value immediately, and also changed the setting to custom.
Now when I do this, first time when I type a value, it is ignored (value is not changed when moving away from the temp field), but the setting is changed from as shot to custom. Only with this setting it accepts the new temp value…
On my laptop PC I’m still in V6.5 and the value changes immediately.
On my desktop PC I’m in v6.6.1 and I have this bug.
I noticed this issue with 6.6.1.
I often manually change the white balance by typing in a value. However now when I type the value and hit enter white balance go from As Shot to custom but my value resets to the As Shot value.
I have to type the custom value in twice. Very annoying. I’ll report this bug to DxO next week.
I wonder if this problem is related to the issue to not being able to copy the white balance settings?
Both issues seem to have appeared with the newest updates to PL 5 and 6.
I created a request to revert back to the previous way of changing the color temp (#419603)