Water mill, Creuse department, France


The last evening before the asteroid hits the river. Very filmic!

I would like to know the general idea of your edits. Probably you pushed up some shadows, pulled down highlights, maybe had to change WB. But what about colors? Did you use some special rendering? There seems to be some fog near the roof, adding to the mood. Was it there, or itā€™s edits?


I like the mood, the light and the editing very much. That were my reasons to look longer at the image. But the longer I looked, the more distracting became the big branch and the twigs. Hard to tell what was the main subject? As soon as the foreground occupies a lot of room, the main subject becomes background.

How high was the camera positioned above ground?

Iā€™ve got to agree.

Thatā€™s what was clearly in focus, so the branches pulled my eye to them. The rest of the image appeared out of focus, which made it into just "background information. That middle branch ā€œfeelsā€ like that is what your photo was ofā€¦ to me.

Are you sure this is a photo? It almost looks like a painting. Fantastic, extraordinary, I love it. :clap:

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LOL right on the money!

Iā€™m 1.80 M camera at eye level.

Itā€™s negative dehaze in Lightroom. Give it a go

Thanks for the positive feedback!

I guessed so. Well, if youā€˜re happy with it, thatā€˜s what counts.

I donā€™t have LR any more. I did use Blur/Soft Focus diffusion in PL, but only once and very delicately. The result was somewhat similar in spirit. Itā€™s rather rare for my photos, where it could work :frowning: . Thanks for info.

What a superb image, I like it very much. I find this style of editing for landscapes very pleasant to look at. Iā€™m not so much a landscape photographer though, more of a birding photographer.

So, I you adjusted shadows, highlights (pulled shadows up, highlights down), negative dehaze, probably some sharpening at a guess. Is that a good overview of the general editing process for your image?