Update installer could remove the old version

I just bought the updates fot PhotoLab and ViewPoint.
It would be nice, if the installer of the new version could ask me if i would like to remove the old version automatically as an option.

Now I have the new version on the hard disk and the old one at the same time. The same happens in Photoshop menu. That is not optimal.
Kind regards

I have been using every version of PhotoLab for seven years and would never uninstall the previous version during the installation of the current version.

It is always safer to make sure the new version is working properly before uninstalling the previous version. If you automatically delete the previous version on installation of the new version and haven’t saved the previous version’s installation files, you have no fallback if any problems occur. Serious installation problems do occur for some users.

It is much safer to install the latest version first to make sure the features work to your satisfaction before uninstalling the previous version. Make certain you save the installation files for each version, just in case you need to fall back to the previous version.

While I have nothing against adding options to give users more flexibility, in this case I can’t support your request because of the potential issues it would cause.


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@Alex_H It is not “optimal” to install the new release, discover problems and then have to return to … nothing.

“Optimal” is to start using the new version and when you are sure/convinced it is working as expected/required (and all the important bits have been carried over), be that hours, days, weeks, months or even years then use the O/S remove facility to remove the old version.

If features have changed or been removed it provides an opportunity to test that any changes work the way that you want or expect them to.

If you conduct any specific tests then isolate a group in a PL7 directory and copy the edited images (image + PL7 DOP) to a PL8 directory, for example.

DOPs and databases and Presets can travel forward from one release to another but not backwards, editing a directory in PL8 means that the edits cannot be carried back to PL7 via the DOPs!

For example

The presets of the old version should have been taken over during the installation of the new version as should the database and the export settings but having them ready in the previous version is always good practice and then back them up before deleting them as @mwsilvers suggested.

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One good reason to keep PhotoLab 6 or lower installed is that PL 7+ will stop working if you lose your Internet connection to DxO servers for a little over a month. That could happen if DxO’s servers got wiped out due to one of any number of reasons beyond your control. It’s not likely, of course, but it’s also not impossible.

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@dxodm I believe that the release you are referring to is PL7.6 as the last of the old releases.

However, the problem with any earlier release is the inability to take any edits from a future release back to that earlier release, as I stated above.

The earlier version is still useful to allow edits to be made to new images but there is a discontinuity, with no “trivial” method to bridge it, for previously edited images.

Loss of (contact with) the licence server for bit over a month will cause DxPL to request that communication be (re-) established but I was allowed to proceed with an edit session but a day or so later was the end of the period of grace.

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True, if you never updated PL 7.5, you could use it without connecting to DxO. Most PL 7 licensees probably updated to PL 7.6 without knowing about the server requirement or thinking that could happen to them, though.

Of course you’re right about not being able to open an edited image in an earlier version without starting over.

Also the farther we get from 7.5 or 6.x or whatever version we have that doesn’t require linking to DxO eventually, the more painful the loss of newer features we’re used to will be.

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Indeed but it is still wise to hang on the the old release for a bit until any wrinkles have been ironed out of the latest release e.g.


PL8 and Filmpack 7 are not and will not be installed on this machine.

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I agree it would be unsafe. I recently ugraded to v8 and after a couple of weeks I know it’s working fine so now I consider deleting the old versions.
An unsinstaller would be handy. It would allow you to choose the versions you want to delete.
My 2cts.

In windows it needs a better uninstaller
Uninstaer programs find enormous amounts of stuff left behind by the PL uninstaller.

I would love to see step-by-step instructions on how to remove previous (old) version of NIK software. I searched for a direct answer on this forum and the DXO help center, but haven’t had any luck.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. If it makes a difference, this is for OSMac (Intel chip).

Thank you and have a great day.

There is an official uninstaller that comes with every download…but it leaves many things behind. Cleaning out DxO and Nik software therefore needs some effort and is best made by searching the respective locations or files.

All that follows can be done in the Terinal.app if you’re comfortable with a CLI and the “find” command. I prefer to find things with “Find Any File” (App Store, $) or “EasyFind” (free) I then usually search (files AND folders) with the following pattern.

  1. Back up your Mac
  2. Eject and disconnect the backup drive
  3. Search for names beginning with com.dxo
  4. Search for names beginning with dxo
  5. Search for names containing dxo
  6. Search for names containing efex
  7. etc.

Now, with the Nik Collection, searching for nik finds many things that you don’t want to delete like e.g. anything “Nikon” etc. You might want to keep the license files and installers and maybe put them away to soewhere “safe”.
Here’s an example of how EasyFind presents its results (the list is longer and rotated to preserve vertical space in the post)

Take your time doing this and make sure to read and think carefully before deleting!
Needless to say that you should have a backup before you start. Do you have a backup? Sure?

Most people are happy with just deleting the app, but if you want a clean slate, the above can help…although it does not remove entries from macOS’ list of installations.


The original installer from google came with an Uninstaller as well.
Unfortunately it’s lacking details about exact paths it uninstalls from but it do perform an uninstall.

Try it.

Standard way is to visit Nik Collection FAQ page – currently https://support.dxo.com/hc/en-us/categories/115002389907-Nik-Collection , and search for “uninstall” and “cleanup” (and mark ‘Nik Collection’).
Search also for “CleanupTool” in this forum. You might also want to check how to preserve your presets. Beware of differences in Nik versions, they seem to be significant. Check also Nik Collection compatibility with OSes & third-party software – Help center

Note that I have Nik7/Win and no experience with Nik uninstallation, so my “advice” could be far from perfect. Perhaps specify the version you want to remove and wait for a better response.