Unable to install FilmPack on MacOS Sequoia beta

The installer crashes in the above-pictured state; there’s no way to click either option. I realize I’m using the beta OS at my own risk, so I’m not expecting anyone to bend over backward to help, but I thought it might be worth a heads-up!

Consider me the canary in the coal mine.

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It is obviously not supported by DxO yet. That is not surprising. I am not sure DxO ever supports Beta versions of MacOS but I am not a Mac user. Perhaps others can chime in.


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DxO have never supported any beta versions of an operating system and will most likely never do.
Barely anyone supports unsupported and unreleased OS’.

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Yeah, though I think it’s good for them to be aware of issues like this. It could be a bug in the OS, but it could also be an indication that they’ll have to do some compatibility work ahead of the official OS release.

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In which case you need to tell them via this page:
because DxO will not take note it from this user forum

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Thanks, will do.

I’m having the exact same problem. macOS Sequoia as well.

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