Fantastic. I look forward to having your site open on my iPad while I go through the tutorials on my computer. Thank you for all your hard work to benefit DxO PL and NIK users.
This is a big step forward. The user will not feel having been left alone with the software. It can be used for training as well as help file during use.
A big thank you!
I am very happy to see that PL5 will now support the conversion of Fuji RAW files.
Is there a tutorial that guides new users as to best way to process these images in PL5 or do I just treat them as normal RAW files.
This may be the solution to the problems that I have experienced with Adobe and other software inducing artefacts into the output from Fuji RAW files.
Often people post about things that might be more appropriate in a different thread or in a new one. He is a new member and shouldn’t be punished for that. I don’t recall seeing this before. There must be a different reason.
Just in case this is misstated and you’d like to fix it, this is one of the things you wrote for DeepPrime under category “Noise Reduction”. I suspect you omitted the word ‘not’ which should probably go in front of ‘recommended’.
“It wanted to keep the value 40 as a reference for DeepPRIME but its application is smoother and recommended.”
The terms are correct.
40, is the target value for DxO.
With 40 for DeepPRIME is less aggressive than 40 for PRIME.
In other words, the default value (40) for DeepPRIME is a good choice.
Okay, Pascal. I’ve seen others have suggested that 40 was way too much smoothing, and they recommended a much lower Luminance setting. Previously, I usually left that Luminance at the default for High Quality and Prime exports, so it didn’t even occur to me that I could use it to change the results from DeepPrime exports.
But for a few photos I had used DeepPrime for (at default Luminance of 40), some did appear over-smoothed. So I was happy to read here in the forum that a Luminance setting somewhere in the teens was better for them. That brought to my attention to being able to use the Luminance slider to adjust the smoothing in DeepPrime. And, so, now I typically do set it somewhere at 19 or lower for less smoothing (I’ll keep my eye on this though, because higher than 19 might be appropriate for some photos).