Using PL 8.2.1 I’m getting a total failure color wise of DeepPrime XD/XD2s with default NR settings. DeepPrime works okay here.
This is a Jumbotron at a sports stadium. I understand the challenges here. The camera is a high resolution camera and the focus was on the jumbotron and the lens is resolving the individual pixels of the jumbotron. There is Moire, of course. Defocusing at the time of capture would have solved this problem, but there was no time.
DeepPrime renders fine. DeepPrime XD/XD2s is a total fail on the color front. The Moire correction does nothing. Blur also does nothing as blur is applied after demosaicing/NR and the colors are all wrong already. First pic shows the loupe with DeepPrime XD/XD2s. Second pic shows the loupe with DeepPrime, which works fine. The green is obviously not real. (The shirt was white.) There is a slight blue color cast on the DeepPrime output but it’s not too bad. The XD/XD2s output is objectionable. LOL. And yes, the output file shows the green like it does in the Loupe, of course.
I’m not really looking for an explanation. Just reporting the issue.
Here’s the output image. The color gets better towards the left of the jumbotron as that part is further away and more out of focus (so less affected by the moire).
I’m not saying this is a great pic. But this shouldn’t happen.
I would guess that this due to the fact that DP/XD is a deep learning AI and jumbotron LEDs is out-of-distribution data and not something it was trained on.
I just have no idea on how to process that kind of “sensor noise”.
Deepprime works fine. XD does not.
I hear what you’re saying. But all of my Jumbotron shots from the fiesta bowl (5 out of 5) have this massive discoloration when using XD…
I switched all to regular deepprime and they’re fine, but still…
XD and XD2s are superior to regular DeepPRIME in some ways, but tend to introduce false color in the demosaic process. The problem should be reported as a bug to DxO support.
Try to use the CA sliders! That can fix the problem. a few days ago i shot a picture from my monitor screen and it was similar to yours. XD 2 wasn’t like XD or prime only. But turn on the CA-sliders solved the issue