Things that could & should be better in PureRAW 4

After having used PureRAW 4 for about a month and being happy with most of the results, here’s what I think could definitely use an improvement:

1.) The chromatic aberration removal is still not up to par. Purple and green fringing still finds its way into the files and can’t be better-removed even when using DxO PhotoLab 7 Elite to edit files further.

2.) Not all lens profiles are great. I’ve been shooting with the Nikon Z8 and I noticed that especially with the Nikkor Z 14-30mm f/4 S lens the vignetting removal in PureRAW 4 is horrible. The very corners end up still having dark vignetting that’s next to impossible to remove after the fact. I hesitate using the vignetting removal tool in PureRAW 4, because it will bake in those dark corners into the DNG file.

3.) Copying the settings on one file and pasting it onto just a single other file seems impossible. You end up pasting those settings to every single file. Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but I wish I had a choice. Sometimes I want to paste those settings to all the files, but sometimes I don’t.

The chromatic aberration and vignetting is my main concern. I hope this is improved soon.

Greetings. If you haven’t already done so, I advise you to report these problems to with sample image files (submitted via, referencing your support ticket number).

NYStateofHealth@TheSoaringSprite ,

Purple and green fringing persist even after DxO PhotoLab editing.
Refine their lens profiles for better chromatic aberration (CA) correction, especially for specific lenses. Offer more granular control over CA correction in PureRAW, allowing for adjustments beyond DxO PhotoLab.
Vignetting removal for specific lenses, like the Nikkor Z 14-30mm f/4 S, is inadequate in PureRAW 4.
Improve the accuracy of lens profiles for specific lens-camera combinations. Allow users to flag or report inaccurate profiles to contribute to future improvements.

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Welcome to this USER forum – but you need to contact the DxO support !

Will do, as soon as I find the link.

Yes, exactly.

Here is a chromatic aberration example of an image post-processed in NX Studio vs. PL7E, vs. PureRAW 4. The blue CA couldn’t be removed in either of the DxO examples, even at max setting.

In doing this quick comparison, I also noticed that PureRAW4 really robs the RAW file of some nice colors. The original orange and yellow transitions around the eye of the egret seem to get washed right out, which is unfortunate.

Here’s the example with the baked-in vignetting from the Nikkor Z 14-30mm f/4 S after it was processed through PureRAW 4 first, exported as DNG and then processed and exported via PL7E:

Now the same file when processed through PL7E only, vignetting correction applied. Exact same settings for both: