@platypus This is true if they are genuinely “New” i.e. never before seen by DxPL in the directory that you navigate to! If DxPL thinks it has seen that directory before then the Uuid check comes into play with all DOPs that may be present in the directory and VCs will be created where there is a Uuid clash!
Unless someone, i.e. DxO, provides a ‘Uuid clash’ ‘override capability’ via ‘yes’/‘all’/ ‘session’ and/or Preference options. This would take a day or so to implement and the user would need to use their own compare software to put the data in the correct place to be discovered. But this basic functionality is arguably simpler to implement than the current VC creation and management logic!!
Remove assets also requires DxO development but is also a lot simpler than many of the things already implemented, i.e. allow actual deletion of directories as well as files and allow the removal of a file, selected files, and directories from the database, i.e. the remove option needs to be extended to directories and both the file and directory remove needs to have an additional option of ‘From disk’, ‘From DB’. The DB option should do just that and leave DOPs intact along with ‘xmp’ sidecar and the original photo!
Another days work for the developers and without it we are spending days writing these posts and countless amounts of time trying to achieve what would be simple with a few “minor” extensions to the code!!
I would like to see a multiple database option added - 1 more days development!
I would like to see an ‘Import’ option to which the Uuid override options I have suggested would also be available. This could import data from any external media, USB disks, memory sticks, another computer across the LAN with an import directory and a target directory. The target would be new or existing and the Uuid clash would be handled using the same process as I have just mentioned.
This is a longer task so I would give the developers a couple of weeks to develop that code. While it might be seen as a retrograde step (to much like Photo Mechanic, LR, C1 etc.) here it is for a very specific reason not as the only way to introduce new photos to the product for the first time but to add new and “remodel” old photos.
As for DxO implementing any of these we need to start pressuring them to look after their current user base as well as chasing new customers, particularly when I believe that some of the items I have mentioned are actually straightforward to implement.
PS: I still consider PL5 is one of the best programs to use, to navigate etc. it is just that it can be even better @sgospodarenko.
PPS: Include a check that the incoming DOP is “newer” than the database/DOP it is replacing in the ‘Uuid override’ situation and offer an additional option to continue etc… Development might take a little longer than my initial estimate which didn’t include formal design and agreement of design, scheduling of development, (development), localization, full testing, regression testing of a release, documentation (localized of course), packaging of the release and the release process itself to name just some of the steps from conception to being in the eager hands of the user.
Plus separate development, testing, release etc. for Win 10 and Mac versions!