@platypus I am sorry but is it really that complicated (putting to one side, for a moment, the issue of projects and indexes).
When a copy of the database is taken and worked upon on another computer then new photos and their attendant “baggage” (the twin sidecars DOP and ‘xmp’) is/are unique and can be added back to the base system, in my case using Beyond Compare and for others their choice of comparison software.
The sidecars are a “sort” of Audit Trail except that they represent the end of the chain of changes rather than the whole chain. However, if photos already in the “base” database are changed while out on assignment then attempting to replace the DOPs will cause issues because of their unique Uuid which will no longer match with the database and results in Virtual Copies.
I believe that any changes to the embedded or sidecar ‘xmp’ data will simply be absorbed as if they had been made externally by another program, photo editor or DAM.
So the gating issue for harmony is the Uuid check. Therefore provide a feature to override the Uuid when a change is detected on an
- Individual
- ‘All’
- Session
- Preference basis
and harmony is restored.
Could it be that simple - over to you?
Re-indexing should resolve new keywords etc (I hope) but that does leave transferring projects and anything else I haven’t thought about!?
This does not handle deletion but rather than physical deletion mark images as ‘deleted’ using Tags, ratings, colours(sorry not in PL5), keywords etc. and then execute a physical deletion using the selected criteria on both systems as and when appropriate.
This may not be a “super duper” synchronisation process but would take minimal work from DxO developers and might help those that want this feature.
The issue of preparing the laptop database ready for the next trip then comes up and that is effectively the reverse (I think/hope).
This is still two machines with two databases and two sets of assets which may or may not be identical copies and transferring those assets between the two machines if/as/when required, it requires
- A “simple” fix to DxPL (a Uuid override)!?
- A change to work habits, i.e. no physical deletion
- Good comparison software to transfer the various assets from one platform to the other etc.
- A user that understands the implications and possibilities of “corrupting” one or either of the two environments if they lose “focus” at any point. Use database backup before embarking on any such exercise. Being able to have DxPL multiple database aware would be useful (please don’t start the discussion I have seen for Lightroom about one database or many versus indexing versus …, leave it up to the individual user to make the decision but simply provide the facility)
- Better directory management within DxPL (the ability to rename a directory exists but it would be useful to have a facility to delete a directory which would be useful in the “battle” to better organise the assets.
PS: It is a “little” tedious to have to (re-)visit every directory in order for DxPL to (re-)discover a directory and “import” as a Virtual Copy, or ask for options (Uuid override ) etc. and hence some form of Import option that can selected at an appropriately higher level of directory would also be useful option potentially in this case and for importing keywords on a wholesale basis etc.