‘Switch to’ not available from Affinity Photo

I just love the ‘Switch to’ feature introduced in Nik 7 but it is missing if working from Affinity Photo. Why is that? Please tell me it was some sort of oversight and it will be implemented soon.

it’s in the release note from nik 7

This problem is explicitly mentioned in the Nik 7 release notes (support.dxo.com).

But it’s not ok to not have this feature if you are a user of affinity photo.

Only DxO can tell you and they don’t answer those sort of questions on this forum.

seem this had been overlooked!

Nik Collection 7 Release Notes
Version 7.0

Yes - missing entirely.

Aagh. I bought Nik 7 specifically for that feature. I should have done more due diligence…:expressionless:

ya lesson learned, always wait 2-3 days before buying so you don’t miss out on little things :nerd_face:

Ich bin ziemlich sicher das die Erzeugung zusätzlicher Ebenen in APhoto nicht möglich oder erlaubt ist ist durch ein Plugin. Deshalb ist es in Nik6 auch nicht möglich gewesen die Perspektive Plugin zu nutzen. Und das ist es was die NIK Collection mit PS als Host macht, wenn ich die YT-Videos richtig verstanden habe.

Translation DeepL:

I am pretty sure that the creation of additional layers in APhoto is not possible or allowed with a plugin. That’s why it wasn’t possible to use the perspective plugin in Nik6. And that’s what the NIK Collection does with PS as host, if I understood the YT videos correctly.

Yes, confirmed by Serif staff here:

Also this comment by Serif staff:

seem weird but full PL features require VP4 and FP7 in addition of PL Elite (not Elite obviously has you need to spend on some extra for full features).
now don’t jump to conclusion but Ps/Lr monthly fee come down cheaper than what mention above, plus you have Full Nik support if you’re a Nik Collection user (which also include FP7 features). for the other software… Topaz compared to Pureraw is another story in a tight fight of who’s the best one click plugin :smiley:

honestly i was surprised to hear about Nik 7 the day before launch, while there was no advertisement, or did i really missed that? i thought this was a nice job having the ability to switch between plugin, but again that seem to be a Ps feature, or does it work from PL when using Nik? anyone can comment on this?

The Nik 7 ‘Switch to’ options works with both PL6 & PL7, please see attached screenshot:

This topic is about the fact the ‘switch to’ feature of NIK7 doesn’t work in Affinity Photo, yet is does work in Ps and PL. The links I posted give an explanation (by Serif staff) as to why this is so.

Mike wanted to know if the ‘Switch to’ feature worked with PhotoLab which it does as per my post.

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thanks for the answer, even if it doesn’t work from AP you can still run it from PL before sending it to AP.