Support Voigtländer Nokton 50mm/1.0 for CanonRF

Did you not see my response to your earlier thread on the subject. Have you requested this lens for your Canon R5 in the DxO camera/lens database as I suggested in that response? See the attached link to my response to your earlier thread on this topic.

Did you also happen to look at the link provided by @rsp? Currently, the last post in his link is from @Marie where she indicates,

“There’s a lot of Voigtlander to catch up on and it’s not easy in the middle of all the outings. I’m going to put these back together to support them this semester.”

However, if you do not request this particular camera/lens combination in that thread and in the support database, It might not be added when she gets around to reviewing support for Voigtländer lenses.


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