I’m a new owner of the Z fc and plan to get this lens later on in the year, perhaps at Christmas, if it’s available,. So I will very definitely support this request. Did you formally suggest support for it in the database? Keep in mind that this lens is almost impossible to get right now and it may be a while before DXO can acquire one.
Yes, the lens is in great demand in Canada as well!
Hopefully, I will be able to get it by Christmas! As this lens has no vibration reduction, all z fc and z50 users needs noise reduction more so than the other z full frame users.
If it is okay, I wlll add the new third party prime lenses for z system as a new topic.
It is scheduled for this month’s release which I believe will be 5.2. I know you are anxious to get support for this lens and so am I, but today is only March 4th. It may not be available until later in the month.
I have no idea when the z 28mm f/2.8 SE will be supported. Although this lens was not explicitly included in @Marie’s post about new lens support for the next release, it is possible it might also be supported… It is also possible it may not be supported for the next 6 months. I try to avoid focusing on things I have no control over.
I am also looking forward to the support for Z 28mm F2.8, plus Z 28-75mm F2.8. I have both of them and would like to see them supported in DXO Photo Lab.