(MAC M2 PL7 + Nik (but not yet really using it))
I vote for better support of graphic tablets. Especially when masking, graphic tablets are so much better than using the mouse. BTW the friends of Adobe support this extensively.
What I really miss at PhotoLab is that the pressure signal is supported and easy to use hot keys to fast switch between modes.
I understand that long time users of PhotoLab in different generations should not be forced to learn something new. But if you provide in the settings a mode where you can switch between modes, there should be something for everybody.
Especially use of mouse wheel is horrible for graphic tablet users. I see the partial modification of the image as one of the strengths of PhotoLab - so graphic tablets are a powerful tool.
For some information you may check here
( pressure sensitivity is not supported ).
(MAC M2 PL7 + Nik (but not yet really using it))
GaoGao, thank you for the link. That’s overall pretty helpful, but for masking a lot of the settings are done with mouse wheel - this is OK when working with a mouse, the graphic tablets - at least the ones I know - do not support that kind of signal. And in addition to what Wolfgang was writing (thanks to you as well, Wolfgang), that pressure sensitivity is not supported, that ends up in a loss of functionality of a graphic tablet.
The better tablets do provide some short cut buttons and a wheel. If DXO could make this working for the most important tasks, e.g… size of brush, hardness of brush etc. I could even live without pressure sensitivity. But that would mean that some of the settings need to be changed.
As I said, I would not change in general but provide either a function to modify or have an item in the settings “support of graphic tablets” which would give access to these function needing mouse wheel today.
As you might see from this page there are programmable keys plus a touch ring on one side of the tablet, which I’ve used to mimic some functions.
the main keys are < ALT + >, < Space + >, < Crtl + > and < Shift + > for the Windows version
ALT + Pen mode = to toggle e.g. from manual brush to eraser
Space + Pen = move the zoomed pic around
Ctrl + Ring (instead Ctrl + mouse wheel) = brush size
Shift + Ring (instead Shift + Mouse wheel) = brush feather