Arrived in Chennai, India, and took a hired auto to my next home, Pondicherry. Noticed the sun was just rising, and had the car stop at what I hoped was a suitable place for a photo. Used my Fuji X100F, as my Nikon gear was still buried away in my carry-on bag - but decided it made no difference. It took some fiddling with the PL controls to get the color to look reasonable, but shooting into the sun didn’t help any. Got something I accepted, but it’s not what I remember actually seeing. I had to walk around to get the sun’s reflection to be where I wanted it. Clouds looked bizarre to me, maybe I’m too used to the Miami clouds. A bird would have been nice, but they were likely all still sleeping. With perhaps three hours of sleep during the preceding two days, I envied them - all I really wanted at the time was to fall into a comfortable bed and close my eyes.
Oh, and before anybody asks, I did not use any controls to add or enhance Vignetting - it was all 100% natural.
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