Maybe that PureRAW on Windows is subject to the same ill effect that was discovered in PhotoLab on certain versions of macOS?
Anyway - having tested the two ARW files with DPR3 on Mac, I can’t see or measure any differences in WB (or any other hue) in the built-in previews. If I let Lightroom calculate full previews, I can find slight shifts of tonality, but no WB differences beyond ± 1/256. Even though two different lenses were used, I see no colour shifts that could not also have been caused by slight variations of lighting, after all, artificial light was used and who knows, what could have changed by the usual flickering of such lights.
Some differences (detail rendering) exist between DP and DPXD, which is to be expected.
But I did not expect to see these differences in the histogram like they show here:
DP (note the “combs” in the midtones part of the histogram)
DPXD (no combs)