Sometimes you shouldn't fix things

This is just a SOOC JPEG and is no more than a holiday snap but it does illustrate that sometimes you really shouldn’t use PL’s horizon or perspective tools.

This tower, on the island of Burano at the northern end of the Venetian lagoon, really is leaning :crazy_face:

That’s a heck of a tilt, but you can straighten it out for them using DXO’s perspective control. :wink:


One of the characteristics of the old town of Amsterdam, leaning houses. This one goes far.


It is quite an extreme tilt, and like Pisa, I am guessing the tilt is increasing over time.


I was thinking that if you went to the right spot somewhere to the right on Burano, you could be looking directly up at the tower. Of course, that eliminates the main reason people probably pay attention to the tower? You would first need a way to get onto the island… That’s what I would try to do, if I was there. Or, get a lot closer.

I haven’t yet found anything like this in South India. On my next visit I will try to do a little more searching.

I don’t know, but I don’t remember it being at a crazy angle when I last visited Burano 40 years ago.

EDITED a little later:
So far my searching hasn’t found an answer as to whether or not it is still subsiding but I have learnt that it’s been leaning for a couple of hundred years so it must have been like when I first saw it.

That’s easy, you just need to take a water bus, like the one I was on when I took this picture. Line 12:

A matter of drunken bricklayers :grin:
Unless it was expressly built that way, it is the result of ground settlements.
