Something new is coming

Something exciting is coming…
Get ready to discover it shortly!

Quelque chose se prépare chez DxO…
Soyez prêt à le découvrir dans quelques instants !

Etwas Aufregendes steht kurz bevor…
Bald gibt es mehr zu entdecken!


DxO 正在运筹帷幄……

DXO website

Happy Birthday DxO
Happy Birthday Gif :: Behance

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Ok, but what is new ?
(Maybe page do not display the right way for me since I have a large black part in the beginning).

Yes me too

It’s written up there: -20% on DXO softwares for the 20th anniversary (the offer lasts 20 days).

Even this is not really true the program side came from the testing firm who are separate now. So really its the testing firm that’s so old and the program side is as old as pl

I guess this is it I took out the redirect:

I shall wait patiently to the 100 Anniversary :rofl:


They are really proud of this anniversary. I’ve received about 10 emails with the offer so far, some in English some in French. One (in English) would have been enough.

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I think you’ll get another 10.
It’s their 20th anniversary !


French, German and English emails - multiple copies of the email in each language. I’ve got the message now, happy 20th anniversary DxO :partying_face:

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… still nothing in Swedish, Danish, Finish and Norwegian…or Gallego Portugués :slight_smile:

same for me plus additionally in German

The site is again in maintenance, what does DXO have in store for us?

Presumably PL8.

yes PL8 and VP5 ???
If that’s it, the release is earlier and earlier.
DXO wants to move away from Black Friday and/or ahead of the release of new features from LR/C1/ON1 which will arrive soon.

It also gives them a shorter and shorter time for each paid for version increasing the cash flow as the version moves from 12 months to 11 then? This makes it an ever more expensive program per month!

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right very good something is coming…is it my account that i cant access cos the page is down for maintenance? i really could use access to my downloads and serial number, Christ on a bike!

The site will be accessible when the advertisement is made, probably around 3:00 pm CEST (15h00 à Paris)

For what its worth there are two short videos on Youtube showing PL8 hue masking and LUTs uploaded this morning