SIlver Efex Pro3 Stapped opening with Lightroom Classic

Hello to All, I’m a new member
I had been using SIlver Efex Pro 3 for months month with Lightroom Class and in open perfectly all the time after selecting the EDIT in,Silver EFEX in the pull down menu of Lightroom.
Last night, for some reason it would not op , and I tried it with numberous files. The Prompt said: Lightroom was unable to prepare the selected file… My Lightroom catalogue is very large 890 gigs, and if I went back to an “old” back up LR catalogue , Silver Efex would indeed open… Any ideas, as I would like to be using my current LR catalogue. Thanks in advance.

Hi, Mark. I haven’t had the problem you reported, but if it is caused by the size of the catalog, you might consider clearing the develop history for some of your photos. I’ve gotten in the habit of doing this routinely – every few months – as the detailed history Lightroom keeps (in my experience) is one of the main reasons catalogs get so big. Originally I only did it for older photos – those I was unlikely to need the step-by-step history list of Develop module edits – but now do it regularly to keep the catalog as small as possible.

Here’s the best description I found of the procedure for doing this (including things you might consider first). It also explains what will happen when you remove the develop history and how to optimize (and compress) the catalog once it’s done.


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Welcome, Mark.

I cannot help you directly, but … the discussion here may be relevant to you;

Very slow update images in Lightroom Classic and crash!

John M


Thanks for you very helpful info! It worked. My LR Classic catalogue with 540,000 photos went from 5 gigs to 4 gigs after the history delete, and now Silver Efex is working again!!

Thanks, You the man!!

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Hey, Mark! Glad to hear that worked out for you.

One other trick I have to keep up with clearing the history regularly is to use a Smart Collection to find photos edited over a period of time – for example, three months – then select all those photos in Develop and delete the history. There’s a bunch of other selection criteria in Smart Collections, so for me it’s been a good way to find photos I’ve made a lot of edits to and clear their history.
