Settings for Projects creation/recording

As several projects cannot be deleted at once, could we get a setting in the Preferences allowing to NOT create automatically a project? Or at least record it at Photolab closure only if we want?
All these projects created are really annoying…
Thank you !

Hi and welcome to this user forum,

can you give more information / details about your problem (OS, PL version, screenshot …)

I don’t see any Project to be automatically created.

Like @Wolfgang I’ve never seen PL create a Project automatically, and I’ve been using Photolab since PL2.

In which case, are you actually referring to the fact that if you use PureRAW in conjunction with Lightroom then the processed files are automatically added to a new collection in Lightroom?

I was thinking the same.

The only way I get projects auto-created is if I select files from multiple folders in my DAM and select “Open With…”