Andre, apparently you are unfamiliar with feature request management and/or bug reporting systems. Here’s how it works. This section of the forums is a feature request voting system. You add your feature requests one by one and we vote on them. You don’t just add a post called “Required/wished features by Apaulus”. So in your feature request, there are at least three if not six feature requests:
- Photo Library enhancement: Keyword-based search function (with keyword management)
- Photo Library enhancement: Multicriteria search (e.g. keywords + focal length)
- Photo Library enhancement: Integrating a map with GPS coordinates
- Tone Curve enhancement: histogram overlay in the tone curve
- Improve export to application (this is basically improving interoperability with other programs)
Most of these requests already exist. You can vote on the existing requests. If you have anything important to say about the topic you can add it there. Here’s the full list of existing feature requests.
The first three requests are largely covered by a long existing DAM thread which anyone making feature requests for the DAM section of PhotoLab should read first.
There’s actually two existing feature requests for Histogram inside the tone curve. Some interesting discussion there. Go and vote. The duplicate feature request should be merged into the other (DxO moderator).
There’s a very similar Export feature request to what you suggest. Your vote and input there would be useful.
Before making any feature requests I’d suggest reading the full list of feature request titles. Any which interest you you should read in full. You have five votes - spend them wisely (one can move one’s votes around by removing a vote and placing it elsewhere) on real priority items for you.
PS. One can add one’s full name to one’s profile. In that case everyone will be know to address you as Andre (I just saw you signed your post now).