Regarding what Mark was trying to teach me, with little success

For ages, Mark has been trying to get me to be more adventurous at learning more about PhotoLab, and I was resisting because I was going off into unknown territory, rather than sticking to what I was used to.

This evening, I was re-re-editing an image, and one of the tools I wanted to use was missing. Feeling adventurous (knowing I could always go back to an earlier “Workspace”) I started working on this, and a search for what I needed to do landed me here:

OK, I’m slow, but after watching, re-winding, watching, testing, comparing for an hour or so, I may have caught up a little bit to where the rest of you are at. I added a few things, changed settings based on that video, and when things seemed reasonable, saved it as a “test workspace”.

I may still be in PhotoLab Kindergarten level, but what I see on the screen now makes more sense, and while it’s scary to say so, I feel more comfortable than before.

Time to stop for tonight. I made a screen capture, to post here, but whether or not it’s “good”, I no longer feel “trapped” inside of a program that I was pretty lost in before. I could get it to work, but I never felt… well, comfortable.

So, I’m here now, mostly to thank Mark for not giving up on me.

Joanna teaches me “things”.
Mark put me on a path to better understand the world these “things” reside in.