QOL improvements

Please can we get the option to have the UI of version dxo pureraw 3, IE, the editing options on a sidebar, so that when we press ‘process’ that’s what it does rather than asking us for further conformation.
Also when exporting to Photoshop (or whatever) can the daft box that tells you ‘processing has completed and files have been exported’ please auto close (yet another pointless click to close it)
And finally can I have the option that, when I click on the X to close pure raw can it please close and not tootle off to the taskbar to sit there ad infinitum…

Xtra Lastly, could the DMG folder auto delete on program close down or could you allow the option to set a max size. I never want to keep these files over my raw files and they take up so much pointless space. (I do delete weekly but if it could be automated so much the better)

These little behaviour tweaks would stop the program irritating me every damn time I use it :slight_smile:
I love the software but the cluncky Ui issues do make me growl :slight_smile: