Pure Raw with photolab

A user of photolab for many years I recently purchased Pure Raw to be used in combination with it. The problem is that DXO customer services can not tell me how to use the two together and not get double lens correction. In fact in their last missive they told me that they were not compatible. They do seem to be compatible because you can turn lens correction off in Pure Raw. Pure Raw produces a PNG file. The question is: does Photolab lens correct PNG files? I have indications that it does not because when I put in a PNG from PureRaw originating from a new lens it did not ask me if I wanted to download lens data. When I, subsequently, put in the original RAW file into Photolab it did ask if I wanted to download lens data. The PureRaw and Photolab must be compatible in this respect but I need to know if to switch lens correction on or off in PureRaw.

Unfortunately, you have wasted your money on PureRAW as everything it does is to be found in PhotoLab.

PureRAW is intended purely to convert RAW files for use in other software like Lightroom, etc. PhotoLab is an all in one solution that does the conversion and then everything else in one app.

If you do not use any other software for editing, you could always try getting a refund on PureRAW.

I think there’s only one thing to add to what @Joanna has said, is that as everything Pure RAW does, with the added bonus of extra controls, is to be found in PhotoLab.


… and PureRaw output formats are DNG, TIFF and JPEG.

Yes that is right. My dyslexia got that wrong I meant DNG not PNG. And the question I asked would also apply to Tiff files. Any answer please.

Are you sure of that? I read that Pure Raw 4 has the best noise reduction and comparing it to my direct photolab 6 results it does seem better. No claim of improvement of this was made for photolab 7. I made an error in my question where I wrote png I should have put dng.

Hi Richard,
Have you tried it yourself? I don’t have/use PR, just PL, and in the past DeepPrime gave “better” results than DPXD, at least when used “out of the box”, especially for portraits, while DPXD settings should be optimized for each image. etc.
greetings, Wolfgang

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PureRAW 4 has DeepPRIME XD2. PhotoLab 7 has DeepPRIME XD.

So in the meantime, yes PureRAW has newer technology than PhotoLab. But it is generally expected that PhotoLab 8 will contain DeepPRIME XD2. This is likely to release in 2-3 months’ time.

Whether one rates XD2 as significantly better than XD is largely down to your equipment and photo styles. Personally, I’m very keen to see XD2 arrive in PhotoLab as I find it to be markedly superior in key situations.