I know DxO have discount sales reasonably often, but as a keen (unpaid, and that’s fine) salesperson for DxO I often find people are eager to buy but are “waiting for a discount”, as I suspect a lot of people do.
I would really like to be able to offer (probably a limited number of) discount codes to tempt these people to buy now. I’m really not looking for any benefit for myself, just a way to coax these people to buy now because I truly believe they will be delighted with the choice.
It is obviously 100% a business choice for DxO, but it occurs to me that the ability to offer, say, a 15% discount to these people could mean they don’t wait until the widely available 30% sales that occur every so often and this means more money for DxO.
The folks at AgileBits offered all paid up users a single “free months” code for 1Password a while ago to give away to a friend or family member. I loved the idea and chose carefully who got mine! Back before they went subscription I was also able to give away one discount purchase.