Problems purchasing a license: FF blocks and IE seems to fail

Hi all,

I try to purchase my license for the NIK plugin suite. Not that I need to - the Google suite still works fine with PS2018 on my Win 7 machine, but because I want to support the cause.

Yet: Firefox blocks at step 3 and I canoot move forwards after selecting Paypal.
So I tried Internet Exploder. Never use this one, but it is installed. And ‘open’. So yes, I now get the option to purchase. Fill in my data and get a page with an Order Reference and … that’s it. No 'thanks for your purchaee, we’ll send you a link blahblah, no account created with a serial, no nothing.
And support is only for those who purchased. Email? Only a no-reply adress.

I sincerely hope things are ok, and that my bank-account will not be plundered.
Yet I still want to purchase a license. Really. Just please do not make me come to Paris to pay you 49.99Euro…

Forgot to add that although I selected Paypal, IE showed me a page that forced me to fill in my personal data and pay by creditcard…
What’s happening?

For what its worth, I used Google Chrome and had no issue paying for the NIK Collection via PayPal. Do you have a DXO account? If not perhaps that’s the problem. I have one because I am already a licensed user of PhotoLab Elite, ViewPoint and FilmPack. Perhaps the browser was the issue, although I can not think why using IE should be a problem.

Thanks for replying. Unfortunately I can only create an account when purchasing something. There is no option to create one other wise.
Support is also limited to people who actually purchased, so that route is also closed to me.

I never had problems buying online for the last ten years or so, and if there’s a problem, like with a pop-up, Firefox pops up a message about it. I did not see one here. As I wrote, I also tried - very reluctantly because I don’t trust it - with IE, but, although I do get one step further, despite the fact that I chose for Paypal but get a page that made me fill in my bank data is not exactly a step in a more trustful direction.

I do wish someone from dxo would get in touch with me and tell me what to do. And I know that at the moment, Chrome is the most used, but that is mainly due to smartphone and tablet use. It cannot be that someone would have to install a specific browser so as to be granted permission to buy from some company.

FWIW: I’m using IE (v11) - and have not experienced any problems dealing with DxO.

Saw the same issue with using Firefox and trying to use PayPal as the payment method.

Just another problem to add to the list with what looks like a rushed and sloppy release.

I guess they must know I’m unhappy as the software won’t accept the activation code they supplied me when I finally did get to purchase it.

My activation code doesn’t work either. Tech says they are working on it. Almost 4 days now. If it gets to the end of the week and I still am not able to use the 2018 software I will call the credit card company.

Tech support were quick to come back with a solution to the activation issue in my case. If you still haven’t got a reply, I can pass on what they suggested to me to see if it helps.

My purchasing problem has been solved. Support has done everything they could to help, but the final and easiest solution was to install Google Chrome.

I’ve been a Firefox user from the day it appeared on the Internet, but it has become like an over-protective bodyguard, blocking whatever it considers to be unsafe etc etc. It wouldn’t even let me download Chrome.
(I used IE for that)

Once Chrome installed, things went smoothly. I got my activationcode, entered it and had no problems.I started this thread because i had a problem, so it is normal that I also post the solution.

I’m happy now, and I am ready for the future of NIK.

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