Problem with EXIF metadata when exporting as JPEG, the TIFF file created and edited with DxO Photolab 6 and Nik Collection

DxO Photola 6 or Nik Collection 6 presents a problem with EXIF metadata when exporting as JPEG, the TIFF file created and edited with Nik Collection

When we export a file edited with Nik Collection in JPEG, the metadata of the resulting JPEG file is somehow “corrupted” and does not allow writing data back into it.

Way to reproduce the problem:

  1. We take a RAW file, in my case a .raf (Fuji)
  2. We develop with DxO Photolab 6
  3. From DxO Photolab 6 we start Nik Collection, (export settings: TIFF/16bits/All Metadata)
  4. We modify the image with the desired Nik Collection filters and “Apply”
  5. From within DxO Photolab we take the TIFF image returned by Nik and export it to disk, (export settings: JPEG/100%/All Metadata)
  6. Exported image metadata is not rewritable. Nor can they be exported with the DxO Photolab “Write metadata” option.

What was expected?
Obtain a JPEG with the same metadata as the source TIFF and that the metadata is exportable and rewritable.

Third party programs cannot read the metadata of the created JPEG, (For example Imatch Photols)

Additional notes:
If the export is done without including EXIF metadata, it works, but obviously the EXIF data is left blank.
As far as I could find out, the problem is caused by some tags used illegally by DxO and/or Nik Collection during the export of Nik’s TiFF to JPEG.

It has a solution?
Thanks for reading me.

Unable to reproduce the error. Can read/edit metadata from jpg created as described above with RAW files from a Canon. Opened the jpg in Affinity, Photoshop and Xnview

Which of the data fields do you actually have data in? (possible that the culprits are empty in my case)

Hi Antonio,
I remember about such problems with earlier Nik versions, but thought they were ironed out.

Don’t have Nik 6, so please ask DxO support →