Preview quality setting

This topic is NOT meant to discuss the preview quality in general.
From PL8 docs on ‘Edit->Preferences->Display->Preview quality’ setting:

Always prefer high-quality previews: If you check this option, 
the image display in the Viewer of the Customize tab 
will always be of very high quality, 
which may have an impact on the responsiveness of DxO PhotoLab.

Has anyone seen the difference in quality or processing time (in ‘Viewer’ or ‘Full screen viewer’)?

To be honest, I didn’t “study” the topic, but quick tries didn’t show any significant differences. Maybe I wasn’t careful enough or my glass is too good.
PL8 measurements for my PC found in PhotoLab log:
cpu perf : 79.0582 (i7-14700KF)
PerfIndex = 564.966 (RTX4070-566.36)

EDIT: My monitor: EIZO CS2740 in sRGB mode, 3840x2160 at 175% text scaling mode.
OS is Win11pro, currently 24H2 + latest patches.

Had set DPL for high quality display for a while, but switched it off again due to an impression of slight lags and because I’m not obsessed by getting the veryveryverybest at anytime and everywhere.

(I’m using Mac computers though)

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I didn’t “feel” any difference (but didn’t measure it).

Neither am I. Just checking if I’m not missing something elementary about the setting.

About a year ago I did a quick test with PL7.1 (my first PL version) and decided to switch it OFF. Around a month ago I have switched it ON in PL8 for the sake of some forum topic and forgot to reset it back. My highly “unscientific” conclusion was that there is no practical difference, since the setting did not seem to have any impact on my editing decisions. However, since I mostly shoot at “insane” ISO, and use the Loupe anyway, the setting is probably unimportant to me. But for photos which require some thought and may take an hour or more to edit “correctly”, it might be different. So, maybe I’m missing something, because of my “instinctive” way of editing? Just checking.


I have this option set for High-quality Previews - and I’m not experiencing any performance lag.

My configuration is “moderate” …

  • image

  • image


I’ve also set the preview to “High quality” but can’t tell for sure if I get a performance lag from it (still using NVidia 1060 6GB). With PL8’s new zoom tool I get some delay before the image appears clear.

Screen is an Eizo CG2730 / 2560x1440 / still running on Win 10 / 125%.

@Wolfgang – did you notice any difference in the image quality?
Something that would influence your editing decisions?
OK, hard question to answer…

BTW, Forgot to mention that I use 27" EIZO CS2740 4k monitor in sRGB mode.

No, not really, but I guess it depends on the pics zoom level in relation to the screen pitch (leaving those color artifacts from CA aside).

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Same question as to Wolfgang: did you notice any difference in the image quality?

There’s an awful lot of misunderstanding about what this option actually does. It only affects the quality of the image preview while dragging an adjustment slider. That’s all! With high-quality previews on, the image will not blur while making the adjustment by dragging a slider. With hq previews off, the image will blur.


Sounds like some insider’s knowledge. Maybe I have too strong PC to notice that.Thanks anyway.

EDIT: Maybe the setting is a leftover from older versions, where the difference was clear? I’m new to PL, started with v7.

Yes, some of us are more familiar with how it works than others, either due to beta testing it (PhotoLab 5?) or due to later interactions with DxO. I can’t explain why the user guide is so cryptic about it.

Thanks for the reminder!

And yes, it was part of the new features in PL5.

Same here. Whether pixels are shifted or brightened a bit doesn’t usually change the image subject/story…

Moreover, most users probably don’t work under controlled conditions and differences (unless they are obvious) will be mostly veiled by changing conditions.

That’s right.
When PL5 was released, I published this.
" Applying the correction instantly by dragging the sliders can be binding with PhotoLab"



Thanks to all for the responses.
Maybe @Pieloe work is what made me set the option OFF while on PL7.1 trial. Looks like I have to go back to school and re-read :wink:

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