Preset browsing with arrows


Just arrived (Nik 7) from the old Google free version.

On the old version you can cycle form one prest to another just moving with arrows. This kind of browse among the various preset is very convenient.

Surprisingly, with Nik 7 (and looks like also DXO previous version) you need to move with the arrow then confirm with enter, which is very, very annoying.

Would be possible to implement in the DXO version too this old behavior (much more efficient?)

Hi and welcome to the user forum,

it is too long ago that I’ve been using the old version ( before Google :slight_smile: ),
so I don’t remember the former behaviour.

Now in Nik 7

(I checked with ColorEfex and SilverEfex Windows version)

  • you can either scroll through the previews at the left hand side
    with the arrow keys and confirm with Enter

  • or select with the mouse and click (apply the preset)

Note, that the → handling with Local Adjustments

(shown here in ColorEfex)

is somewhat different. – Experiment and if you need further help, don’t hesitate to ask.


Hi Wolfgang,

You’re prefectly right. In fact the current behavior is as you described:

"you can either scroll through the previews at the left hand side
with the arrow keys and confirm with Enter"

the optimal (as it was in the Google era) would be to avoid the phase “and confirm with Enter”: just moving with the arrow was enough to apply instantly the preset (much faster and streamlined)

Hope DXO engineers will read this and implement it…
