PLv7.01 BUG - Introduced with PLv7 minor update: Global Sat & Vib settings wrongly reset (with HSL reset)

Perhaps I’m misunderstanding your point - but, to be fair; there IS a way to toggle actuation of different hues (in the HSL tool) … BUT, it has limitations that do NOT replace the pre-PLv7 Color Accentuation tool.

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@John-M The feature you show does provide the ability to Toggle a single channel off with this new feature and is certainly worth having but I would like the ability to toggle multiple colour channels off, including the Master (White) channel and for that state to be maintained in the DOP.

What is on offer is better than nothing but why not include the toggle in the single press of the icon.


  1. Single press goes from On to off or off to on as appropriate with the setting left intact.

  2. Double press, clear that setting entirely. But to be honest just turning an option off and leaving the setting value intact actually achieves much the same thing. With the option cleared the next time you have to move from 0 to whatever value you want, leaving a setting intact means you start from that point and adjust up or down a little or a lot.

Why do DxO miss these uses of the features on offer?

Why is there no individual toggle for each element in the lovely (to me anyway) new Local Adjustments commands? Why leave it out?

Incidentally I personally would have provided a toggle between the old interface and the new but then I don’t have to code it !

But they do seem way too keen to throw away features where the coding already exists @Musashi

@John-M I was collecting snapshots to mock-up what I mentioned in the previous post and fiddled with the red channel and double clicked to turn it off and selected the Orange channel and double clicked(?) the reset and wound up with this

So Double clicking the reset clears the colour channel an leaves the “Master” channel as follows


But the value in the Master(White) channel was Sat = 100, Vib = 10 and the other colour channels were Sat = 100 and after the double click the Master channel had Sat = -9 and Vib = 10!?

Where did the -9 come from? This was a test of carrying over settings from the PL6.10 so some more investigation is required to see if I can account from where the Sat = -9 comes from!

The Saturation = -9 appears to exists for all the copies of the image {M], … [5] and the test was done on [5] so the DOP (PL 7.0.1 ) has the following

PPS:- There is something wrong with this discovery which survived a restart!? But I installed a trial of PL7 and PhotoLab 7 to see the Luminosity mask in action but this feature doesn’t seem to work on that machine!?

But it does with the same image, same VC and same DOP across the LAN.

A feature accidentally located that is actually a bug!!

PPS Extra:- The second machine now seems to be working exactly as shown above so I need to run the tests from scratch again with new images and new directories and see what happens?

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That was an excellent (accidental ?) discovery, Bryan !

Yes, I can confirm this; Double-clicking the HSL’s “Reset” button (this one: image) will undo settings for all hues - whilst leaving the master/white channel unchanged … which is handy to know.

However … This behaviour is possibly deemed (by DxO) to be a bug (as was the original behaviour for a single-click) … So, Shhhhhhh … Don’t tell 'em !

@John-M It was accidental because I instinctively double clicked instead of single clicked, as simple as that!

Many of the things I discover result from following a testing path but then realising that I forgot to take a snapshot or needed another step in the test process and try to backtrack and up pops something unexpected

However, it “appears” to work for one image but returns the '“Master” channel to the same settings regardless of the setting of the “Master” channel when the double click is executed!?

So (yet another test)

  1. New Test directory containing only the images (no DOPs, no xmp sidecars - nothing else)

  2. Navigated to the directory in PL7.01 and selected an image

  3. Got a surprise!?

  4. These are the ‘Preference’ settings

5 This is the image after opening in PL7.01 so I now know where the settings are coming from

  1. But if I set the '“Master” channel to Sat = 100 and double click I get

7 If I set all the channels to Sat = 100 and double click I get

  1. Created a new Test directory in PL610 and copied the images (now need to remove DOPs from the BaseLine) and we have this


So that is where the values are coming from except the Sat = -10 has become Sat = -9!

But this value appears to be etched in the DOP and I cannot shake it off and I don’t think the double click is working the way it should and not the way I want.

What were your results? I will change my ‘Preferences’ to use one of my empty Presets and test again.

Edit 01:-

This is what I saw on the second system yesterday!

  1. Start with new preference that includes only the basics.
  2. Review HSL - empty
  3. Set “Master” to Sat = 100
  4. Set colour channels to Sat = 100
  5. Double click returns to original status of all empty

As already discussed here …, in the version “PL7.0.1 Build 76” the double click on the counterclockwise arrow resets

  • the single color channels
  • and the master (white) channel.

My experience…

Double-clicking on any of the coloured dots resets the adjustments for just that dot

Double-clicking on the white dot resets just the local “global” adjustments

Single-clicking on the arrow resets everything.


@Wolfgang Not quite


My experience

Double-clicking on any of the coloured dots resets the adjustments for just that dot

Double-clicking on the white dot resets just the local “global” (“Master”) adjustments

Single-clicking on the arrow resets everything, “Master” and Colour channels

Double-clicking on the arrow resets all the Colour channels and resets the “Master” channel to some earlier value which might be 0 and effectively turns the “Master” value off as well or it might be something else, typically in my tests whatever value was assigned to it by the ‘Preference’ preset!!??

Well the better – double click resets to “default” … and if you used a preset including customized changes to the HSL tool → then that’s your default. :slight_smile:

@Wolfgang that is what the test seems to show and my explanation didn’t really make is clear so it should have been

Double-clicking on the arrow resets all the Colour channels and resets the “Master” channel to the “default” values, i.e. the values which were was assigned to it by the ‘Preference’ preset (according to the results of my tests), if that original value was Sat = 0 and Vib = 0 then the “Master” channel will also be de-selected!!??

Yes - that’s correct. For those of us who have global Sat & Vib settings in our default preset (the one applied to “newly encountered” images) then this is handy … albeit, rather obscure !

However, I’m left wondering whether this is intentional behaviour - or, perhaps, it’s similar to the earlier behaviour for Single-Click on the Reset button, which left Master/White settings unchanged (which I believe was correct behaviour) … but which, unfortunately, DxO changed with the 7.01 minor update.

@John-M Who knows, DxO possibly (?) but “getting blood out of a stone” is easier than getting anything out of them!

Checked HSL in DPL on Mac and found that clicking the arrow once or twice resets HSL S&V to 0/0, in spite of them being set to -10/+10 by the preset I applied. And I get the same reset, even if the active dot (colour) is orange. It does not matter if I’ve applied the HSL with a preset manually or as default for new images. I always get a full HSL reset, single or double click alike.

To me, this looks like the ccw turning arrow acts as a general reset of the (global) HSL tool. It’s definitely not an “undo” button, which might be a more logical option in this tool.

Checked an older EA build too…and HSL behaves exactly like build 31.

Overall, the reset arrow does as expected, but I found no version of DPL that acted like described by @John-M in his opening post:

That is; with PLv7

  • Clicking on the global HSL tool’s Reset button - resulted only in settings for the hue-specific channels being reset to their defaults

@platypus we are discussing the double click behaviour of the reset icon, we agree that the single click clears everything.

So we appear to have , on Win (10 in my case)

Double-clicking on any of the coloured dots resets the adjustments for just that dot

Double-clicking on the white dot resets just the local “global” (“Master”) adjustments

Single-clicking on the arrow resets everything, “Master” and Colour channels

Double-clicking on the arrow resets all the Colour channels and resets the “Master” channel to the “default” values, i.e. the values which were was assigned to it by the ‘Preference’ preset (according to the results of my tests), if that original value was Sat = 0 and Vib = 0 then the “Master” channel will also be de-selected!!??

So a weird variant on the tests I did before

  1. Change the Preferences back to my original test value

  1. Discover a new RAW and check HSL

  1. Double click on Master icon

  1. Double click on the reset icon

Now you see it, now you don’t , now you see it again because I have reset the Master channel back to its assigned (via Preferences and the discovery process) value. This value is in the DOP and survives restarts, i.e. it never seems to change!!

PS:- It was lucky that I had used a “strange” preset for RAW images in the ‘Preferences’ or I would never have realised what was actually happening!?


if there is a bug or not – this is not the biggest problem with PL7 to be solved.

Improvements to the Local Adjustments UI are way more important.


@Wolfgang I never said it was (the biggest issue), I simply did some investigations to understand HSL, which until Sunday I had never used in “anger”, and found what I found.

I just want what I then “found” to be as accurately documented as possible.

To be honest writing it here has little or no impact on what DxO consider to be a problem.

With respect to the Local Adjustments I have never used those either, except Linear Gradient’ but the new UI may change that, particularly with HSL included in LA and the improved accessibility to the features on offer, with our without the perceived faults.

However, while I understand and sympathise with the issues with the UI, I cannot change them in the slightest and consider that there are other problems with PhotoLab in general that need addressing and have needed addressing for a l o n g , l o n g, time plus new ones added by some so called “designer” in DxO, namely indexing.

Indexing may be a feature that is only wanted by me but what was done to it in PL7 is an abomination, that “designer” at it again!

The old UI for LA could have been left intact and made a user choice as to which they used and a “local” choice not a ‘Preferences’ choice, i.e. use whichever suits the situation at any time and toggle between the two if necessary.

The weird way the features work, that you had to explain to me, should not be the case! The options should also have the on/off toggle of the normal menus at the very least. Whoever “designed” that should be … words fail me (they don’t but while I want to reduce my involvement with the forum I do’t want it curtailed completely)

Indexing was not “broken”, as far as we ever knew, do don’t “fix” it and castrate it at the same time!

I agee the bug was found by chance but the local adjustments problem effect most users

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@John7 Yes but does that somehow mean I should not write up what I found, my post is not detracting nor distracting from the other discussions so why the sudden attention @John7 and @Wolfgang ?

I have not expressed an opinion on the LA posts nor does fixing or otherwise this bug"/feature/anomaly whatever with the global HSL it is in any way detract from the LA issues.

If we are going to start suggesting that any posts that somehow distracts DxO (or the users) from addressing an urgent issue should be suppressed or curtailed then where does that end up!

My posts here are relating to Global HSL and documenting something which I don’t believe has been documented, a minor issue certainly but I was tidying up a loose end no less and no more.

I am not responsible for what DxO did to LA, I have not defended what they did except to state that I find LA now more usable for me personally. Personally I would not have “dumped” the old UI, I would have sought to integrate them both.

If you remember back to the ‘Classic Legacy’ versus ‘Wide Gamut’ situation it was clear that DxO were simply going to switch the product to ‘Wide Gamut’, but a number of users interceded and an option was provided.

Although I was a Beta Tester my testing this time was limited because I do not consider myself an expert on HSL, Local adjustments and issues relating to colour processing etc…

I feel that the issues being raised about LA should have been raised in Beta Testing, which they may well have been, but getting DxO to change direction is close to impossible (not completely impossible but close).

So gentlemen please stop “shooting the messenger” who isn’t even carrying a message about LA!

@John7 and the accidental part relates to the fact that I double clicked on the reset when I meant to do a single click plus I had a rather odd ‘Preference’ set for RAW processing that actually set the Global Sat and Vib to values other than 0.

So when they changed back it was obvious, had they been 0 then it would have looked as if the double click had reset them (to 0) rather than reset them to the default!!

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Let’s not “run off on a tangent”, fellas … I agree that the most important issues to bring to attention of DxO are deficiencies in PL’s new Local Adjustments implementation, and suggestions for its improvement.

While Bryan’s interesting findings on the workings of the HSL Reset-option are certainly well worth understanding too.

John M


I think you should, since we are at the last beta stage (open beta stage ?) before the black friday stable release (ouh, ouh ,ouh …).