PLv6 Bug: Distortion / Constrain to image ... Incorrectly set by partial preset

Retested DPL6.8, this time on macOS Monterey on iMac 2019:
Crop and Distortion parameters are different in the preset and the sidecar. Nevertheless, they both act correctly…and I suppose that it’s caused by the sidecar having a “Base” and “Overrides” section while the preset has the “Base” only. If we look at one section only, we get a wrong idea (well I did) about how DPL works. I extracted the respective parts of the sidecar for illustration:

BASE (from “no Correction” preset)

	CropActive = false,
	CropAuto = true,
	CropRatio = 0,
	CropRect = {
	DistortionActive = false,
	DistortionAnamorphosisKeepEntireImage = false,
	DistortionFocus = 128,
	DistortionIntensity = 0,
	DistortionKeepRatio = false,
	DistortionType = "Auto",
	DistortionTypeAuto = true,

OVERRIDES (from what I set in DPL)

	CropActive = true,
	CropAuto = false,
	CropRatio = -1,
	DistortionActive = true,
	DistortionAnamorphosisKeepEntireImage = true,
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