Plugin and lightroom

What is the difference in using dxo photolab as a pluggin in Lightroom versus edit in


Using “Edit in…” sends a TIFF/JPEG file to DPP according to your external editing settings.

Using the DxO plugin sends the RAW file directly. Upon return you can get a DNG RAW file which can be handled as any other RAW file in Lightroom with exception of a few features like the Enhance process in LR (which will not be that necessary since this kind of problem will have been handled in DPL). The rountrip between LR and DPL can be triggered multiple times for the same image.

See here : Exporting images – PhotoLab

See Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.


Thank you for helping. I only shoot jpegs and want fast round trip back to LR. Should I use either?

Maybe I should use RAW.

will dxo photolab 7 fo both?

I am now using DXO 3. Good reason to upgrade.?

I mostly use LR but at times want more power.

Again thanks for helping

If you are only using JPEGs and the latest version of LR, the latter is enough. IMHO, you don’t need DPL. DxO ViewPoint may help getting better perspective corrections, depending on the type of photos you make.

If you want to benefit from a superior post-processing, switch to RAW and use DPL for all tasks or use Lightroom as a DAM and process your files in DPL as described in the article I mentioned above.