PL8-Lightroom Integration and "Collections"

Does PL8 still place photos from the LR plugin into new collections?
Does it have an option to disable this?
I’d reconsider it providing the LR integration simply returned the photo to LR alongside the original.

Answers: Yes and No to the two questions.

The returned images are in the folder(s) they originate from.

If DPL would not create a collection, you could be in a hard place to find the images again, if they have been assembled to a DPL project from different folders.

DxO could add some logic and check, if images originate from a single folder and if so, not add a new collection. This would introduce an inconsistency in operations though.

Imo, the current implementation provides consistent handling, no matter if processing started in Lightroom or DPL and/or a collection or project respectively.