PL5 Tag Field not read from .dop file

@sgospodarenko @Lars @Musashi @platypus This Topic started as a “bug” report with respect to the Tag field not being read by PL5, specifically PL5 not reading a PL5 Tag field.

I initially misunderstood, misread etc. the post and tested PL4 DOPs moving to PL5 and as we have subsequently discovered PL5 treats earlier DOPs in a completely different way to PL5 DOPs!

The Topic then changed direction to ‘Ratings’ and the confusion there was that the ‘old’ (pre-PL5) handling of ‘Ratings’ was to use the DOP but in PL5 the ratings are expected to come from the .xmp data (sidecar or embedded) and presenting a DOP only to PL5 will not result in a ‘Rating’ being imported, this will only happen if there is xmp ‘Rating’ data available.

The table provided by @Musashi clearly show that ‘Rating’ data will not come from the DOP, however, it also clearly shows that the ‘Tag’ data (Red/Green/Grey etc) will come from the DOP because this field is unique to DxPL, hence it has no other place to go other than the DOP (for DOP please also read “database”).

So I did the following

  1. Set the ‘Tag’ in PL5 and the expected values were written to the DOP (‘ShouldProcess’ is 0 = Red, 1 = Green and 2 = Grey).
  2. Closed down PL5
  3. Cleared the database (changed its name) so there is no database entry to “block” the importation from the DOP.
  4. Re-opened PL5.
  5. PL5 started on the same directory and showed no Tags whatsoever.
  6. Manually importing the DOP sidecar does not work, the Tags remain unset.

This is clearly a bug and @Lars I apologise for not stating that before. The Table clearly shows what should happen and it simply is not happening!! The table shows that PhotoLab reads the ‘Pick and Reject’ from the DOP but that isn’t happening and my test was on PL5.1.3.

This is not as complex as ‘Ratings’ moving from the DOP to xmp data fields this is a case of the data never changing its place or role and simply being caught up in the ‘Ratings’ change and becoming a WOM (Write Only Memory) item when it should not!!!