PL4 - Sony a6300 + Samyang 12mm F2, how to get PL4 to recognize the lens

I have a Sony A6300 and Samyang 12mm F2. I can see this in the supported list on Supported Cameras - DxO, and I found this post on how to change exif using exiftool Option to manually select a lensprofile - #4 by tobsen

What is the LensModel that I need to use to get the 12mm F2? I tried changing a few things in the LensModel line on exiftool to the following, but PL4 does not recognize the lens

exiftool -LensModel=“Samyang 12mm F2.0 IF ED UMC AE Aspherical” -FocalLength=“12.0 mm” -FNumber=“12” -MaxFocalLength=“12.0 mm” -MinFocalLength=“12.0 mm” -TargetAperture=“2.0” -m -overwrite_original_in_place photo1.ARW

Good morning,

  • You said the module is supported, then why do you want to change Exif then?

You just need to open DxO Optics Modules menu and download it.

Svetlana G.

Hi Svetlana,
The lens is actually a manual lens without electronic contacts so there is no exif for the lens in the photos. I can see the module though if I go to “Manage DxO Optics Modules”. There doesn’t seem to be a way to pick a module to apply to a photo though, but I did read that setting the exif will tell DxO to use the module.

Now what I’m looking for is the exact LensModel to set the photo to via exiftool so DxO uses the module (or really any way to apply the module to the photo in DxO).


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Well David, in PL “very good” isn’t good enough. If it’s not “perfect” you will not have it.
Manual lens has no exif, therefore there isn’t and and there will not be any module for this lens. You Will have to correct it manually as I do…
This Paradigm of very good isn’t good enough, may bury this company one day

Okay your message made me take a closer look and that module is for the Samyang 12mm F2 “Autofocus” lens. So I was wrong about this all along and there is no module for the lens.

Thanks for everyone who took a look and helped me with this one.

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The focal point is really a manual focal point without electronic contacts so there is no EXIF for the focal point in the photographs. I can see the module however in the event that I go to “Oversee DxO Optics Modules”. There doesn’t appear to be an approach to pick a module to apply to a photograph, however, yet I read that setting the Exif will advise DxO to utilize the module.

My Workflow for my Sanyang 14mm MF is:

  1. Cntrl G - Shows the Grid over the photo
  2. Distortion panel: Barrel, Intensity slider correcting the horizon to be straight with the help of the grid.

Now in LR you can use sort of lens correction for this lens. Here in PL since the module will not be “Perfect” (PL is “Focused in Excellence” ) you will have to do it manually all by yourself .
