PL3.0.3: Pipette for white balance does not work

Today I have updatet from PL3 v3.0.2 to v3.0.3 build 4295 (Windows version).
The pipette for the white balance does not do anything. I can click wherever, but nothing changes.
W10x64, PL3.0.3 4295

Same Build here, but the pipette works fine.

Ralf, ich habe die gleiche Version mit Win 10x64. Die Pipette funktioniert bei mir wie gewohnt.

All I can suggest is downloading the update again; it might have been a bad download. Mine works without a problem.

Hello @Ralf_Brinkmann,

I have no issue with WB pipette as well. Could you, please, try to reinstall the build and try on several images?

Waiting for your results.

Svetlana G.

Ok. I could not imagine, that the download was broken, because the normal editing worked.
But there were some more mistakes, I noticed:
The pipette did not work,
pressing the “M” key on a selected area in the local corrections did not show the mask
and … oh, I forgot.

I closed the program and relaunched it again this morning.
Now all these things worked! :smiley::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

There is only one more thing left through all versions since PL2.x:

Sometimes I can not edit the filename (F2). I already wrote about this problem and is has not changed.
I can edit the filename for example for the first 14 files, then from 15 to 20 it does not work, the I can do it again with the next files, maybe at 37 or 54 it stops again and I have to do it external (IrfanView is very good to change the image name and the dop file at the same time).

I did not find any rule for it and it has nothing to do with the amount of files. It happens with 80 files as well as with 600.

I hope you find this bug one day. Perhaps you have to use a Windows computer for it.

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I’ve had PL3 features and commands stop working, too. Restarting restores everything. Don’t know why, but the problems have mostly subsided for me. Could be driver and Windows updates, or maybe it is a hard-to-reproduce bug in PL3. My support request got closed.

Yes, very strange. It’s the first time that I had such a problem.

I’ve found a way to reproduce the problem consistently - sort of. Using a TIFF file generated by Color Efex Pro, I can get PhotoLab 3.0.3 into a crashing loop: I make any adjustment at all, and within a minute or two everything in PhotoLab flashes a lot, then the adjustment I was last working on turns off. In the midst of all this, the RGB white balance picker stops working entirely, but other adjustments I’ve tried so far don’t stop working. So I’m going to hazard a guess that the flickering and resetting I’m seeing is the new white balance panel dying over and over. And I can’t make it stop. Support Ticket #202000.

Hello guys,

@Egregius thank you for the info. We’ll investigate the scenario.
Just one question, are you also running the update 1909?

Svetlana G.

Thanks, Svetlana! Yes, I am running that update.

Okay, thank you. So it looks like exactly this is the reason of PL3 malfunctioning. We’ll investigate.

Once again, thank you for the quick reply.

Svetlana G.

Sorry, Svetlana, with the new version DxO_PhotoLab3.1.0_build4301_Setup.exe I had the same problem again.
I have opened a new folder and edited my files, but the pipette didn’t work. I had to close PL3 and relaunch it again, then it worked.
W10x64 1909, PL3x64 3.1.0 4301

Hello @Ralf_Brinkmann,

It’s a pity to hear that. Please, provide us with the logs, at least one image+sidecar and if possible make a video of your issue (you can use ShareX app for that - it’s free and effective).

Thank you,
Svetlana G.

Hi Svetlana!

NOW it works. I can try that the next time. Maybe it’s only the first try after a new installation. So send me a lot of new versions, then I have enough occasions for testing. :blush::grin::joy:

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I have a similar, but minor problem with PL3.

I use a pipette to set the white balance of my image and after that the main image window shows the effect but MOVE/ZOOM frame still shows the image before the WB correction. The denoising preview window also does not show the effect (is not being refreshed).

To refresh the preview, I need to click “Magnifier center” in “Noise reduction - RAW” section. After that “MOVE/ZOOM” and “Noise reduction” windows are updated.
I am using Windows 10 x64 build 1909, PL3 3.1.0 4301

Hello @nemo,

  • It’s the expected behavior - when in a new viewer (WB, Repair, LC) the MOVE/ZOOM, FS thumbnails and denoising preview are updated only after closing the viewer.

Svetlana G.

It’s not really a big problem for me, so I can live with it. :wink: