PL 8.0 Tone Curve preset definition may get corrupted by a previous one

This is for Windows, not sure about Mac.

To reproduce the bug:
Set Tone Curve preset ‘Strong Contrast (RGB)’.
Then set ‘Strong Contrast (Luma)’.
You will see both RGB and Luma channels modified.

Probably this is because predefined RGB and Luma Tone Curve presets have only one of those channels defined and PL8.0 uses the other channel definition from the last seen during the editing session.


  • reset unwanted Tone Curve channels.
  • save all channels when saving a Tone Curve preset.

I didn’t try to edit predefined presets in %userprofile%\AppData\Local\DxO\DxO PhotoLab 8\ToneCurves to define missing curves, as I’m not sure about consequences, I don’t have time to test it now, and I try not to modify files created by PL.

Effectively, “Yes” - that’s how the new Tone Curve has been implemented.

See here for more discussion/detail on this behaviour.

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Not sure I understand what this mean.

  • does this mean that those channels are “linked” and when modifying say luma curve, then rgb channels reflect change accordingly (if this is even possible to get corresponding values)
  • does this mean it is not possible to load a partiel preset (say luma) and keep cuves already set in other channels ?
  • something else ?

There is an extended explanation in the online help

Edit pictures with the Customize tab – PhotoLab
Screen Shot 09-22-24 at 09.53 AM
and that’s pretty much how it starts …

… …

From what I’ve tried, the RGB values ​​and the L values ​​are treated independently,
be it through the various presets and/or through manual adjustments.

To store them / save them as Custom presets …
Screen Shot 09-21-24 at 10.44 PM

about the Reset functionality as well as the Undo (Ctrl+Z in Windows) → also see here …


Thanks, Wolfgang - that’s a brief but clear description of a tool that works as advertised. Perhaps a good time to compliment DxO on its great implementation of this tool. Far better implementation than that in my old Lr version which has no luma channel and few presets. After editing several images with the new tool, I accidently discovered that the picker tool works similarly to the one in Lr in that you can pick a point on the image and drag it up and down to increase or decrease the effect. Duh! Well done DxO, and for me, it alone is worth the price of admission.


Mark the top level preset in Tone Curve tool, then scroll down through predefined RGB curves until you reach ‘Light Contrast (Luma)’. You will see that apart from Luma curve also RGB curve is applied. If you now scroll back to ‘Strong Contrast (RGB)’, you will see no difference. I don’t think this is an expected behavior and it should be classified as a bug. For other “scrollable” settings, only a single parameter is changed, so this problem does not appear there.

Except for the weirdness described above, the ToneCurve became a useable tool indeed. Finally I can precisely set each anchor point using numeric values, e.g. to emulate “deep blacks” selective tone, which I asked for.

Indeed. This important tool seems to be great now.
Yes, have to thank DxO when they gives us a fully mature tool !!!

:+1: :+1: :+1:

Even if a last glitch needs to be tweaked ???

Ok. this tool, the loupe, hue mask … software more responsive in several places …
Not major glitches reported.
+the other improvment and v7 improvments I do not have.
Think they’ve got me.
Seems enough to not wait black friday and install it on my new worksation.

trying …

  • Mark the top level preset in Tone Curve tool
    = applied Light Contrast RGB
    → 162|159 and 50|65

  • then scroll down through predefined RGB curves until you reach ‘Light Contrast (Luma)’
    = applied Light Contrast Luma
    → 199|189 and 55|61

  • If you now scroll back to ‘Strong Contrast (RGB)’, you will see no difference.
    = applied Strong Contrast RGB (= new RGB values)
    → 221|195, 145|143 and 32|60
    Luma (= unaltered)
    → 199/189 and 55|61

While RGB and L values both affect the image, they keep their values independently – or did I misunderstand?

to add
But what it does, the “shown” presets only mirror the 2 applied RGB curves and not the L curve, which might confuse …

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