PL 5.4 - Trial - Image Information Overlay?

There is a feature called Image Information Overlay.

But in my PL 5.4 Trial install it does not show any image information.
It only shows “corrected preview” or “no corrections”

Can I configure it to show image information like ISO, Lens, Camera etc.?

Information about an image can be found in the EXIF panel. The overlays show whatever they show and can only be switched on or off.

But “image information overlay” to show correction or no correction is one of the most misleading term combinations I’ve seen so far.

At least today. :rofl:

Ok, out of three words at least one is somehow correct.

The (single) preview always presents the “correction preview” – no matter if the overlay sign is on or off.

To make it more obvious, activate the compare mode

→ left: w/o geometry corrections (w/o camera-lens-profile in this case)
→ right: camera-lens-profile plus contrast applied

Ok, got it. This should realy get a different description.

Translations in Photolab are a training-camp for language interpreter and very possibly untouched by professional translaters. You can workout your tolerance-muscles on them. And the guessing area between your ears also gets a nice share of work. :crazy_face: :smirk:

There’s more (on Mac)

They all do similar, but different things. Try them out - that’s what a trial is for…

@Franky: another difference win-mac

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Wow, that must be a different app :flushed:

I’ve never noticed this View option but I can’t really see what it does.

If it’s checked then I get a box on the screen with Correction preview in it, but clicking on this box doesn’t seem to do anything, nor does it (as far as I can see) affect the display of the image being shown.

When I hover over an image in the filmstrip I get a pop-up information box showing information under three headings: Source Information, Exif Information and DxO PhotoLab Processing. This information pop-up displays irrespective of the checked / unchecked status of the View Image Information Overlay option.

According to the PL5 User Manual (there’s only one mention of this option in the manual) the View option “displays a floating window containing certain information about the selected image”. However, as I’ve said it doesn’t seem to do anything for me.

Can anyone shed any light as to what this is meant to do

Hi Joju,
did you take some wrong colored pills this morning :rofl:

Hi Paul,
there is another setting in the preferences that is responsible for the 3 informations you see

The usual ones @Guenterm , just while some sheets of PL’s highly descriptive manuals were burning on my “let’s pray for a DAM” alter. Should have taken a bit more distance to the smoke? Anyway, now it’s too late. :woozy_face:

Or maybe the last adventure of transferring my keyword mess in some sort of structure, because the afore mentioned alter is buried under a pile of ash and I slowly let go hope for a decent Aperture replacement did cause some damage on my nerves.

Ok now everything is clear and you have my feeling @JoJu
The Kewording I still do with LR 6.14, and I will not spend time in testing or trying other solutions.
Thank God it’s all just a hobby for me and if I can’t find something I try to dig it out with Excire Foto if LR can’t find it.

I do my keywording in Capture One because I can have more than two levels of hierarchy there and it works really well and most importantly reliably (so far I’m done with 6k images and only need to keyword another 22k. Piece of cake, or a few spoonfuls of those nice purple pills). But after a while of tagging, the excitement turns to boredom.

Is it limited in PL?

Actually, I never tried keywording in PL as I read a couple of threads about keywording, interacting with other apps and basically a missing CMP standard, or a missing discipline to obeye standards by various software companies. I will give it a try this evening.

But since I no longer use multiple apps (like Excire) and am keywording for my personal use without caring about photo-agencies, it’s no longer a concern for me.

I just tested up to a level 10 and it works.

And I made bad experiences with trying to sync keywords from one app to the other. I really don’t care whose manufacturer’s fault it is as I think none of them really respects standards, most try to push their own “standards”.

Therefore and because PL’s DAM is not even close to what I expect to get from a DAM, PL has become a dead end for me.

Thanks for this but I’m not sure it really answers the question.

I already had it set to “On mouseover” which is why the information box pops up when I hover over an image in the filmstrip - and if I switch it to “Always OFF” then it behaves as expected and the pop-up box doesn’t appear. However, this behaviour remains the same irrespective of the setting of the View / Image information overlay (i.e. whether checked or unchecked). So it’s still not clear to me what the point of this View setting is. All it seems to do is make a box appear / not appear with Correction preview in it, but clicking on the box does nothing and, as far as I can tell, there’s no further information that becomes visible.