Picture disappears when releasing before/after compare

Is anyone else having issues where the picture disappears for a brief moment (fraction of a second) when releasing the before/after compare button? This is happening in CEP 5 and Viveza 3. I suspect other apps too. This was not the case when using NIK collection 4. I am on Windows 10.

Same issue noted here. It’s hard to make nuanced edits when the screen goes blank on you when evaluating the effect.

DxO support has a diagnostics file from me, produced from my Mac Studio, and say they will let me know when they hear something back from “the developers”. Not holding my breathe for that. Meanwhile I use the slider to evaluate before/after.

Interesting, I suspected maybe a Windows only bug, as many of the online creators who seem to use Apple products in their tutorials don’t seem to show this, or it is happening so fast I am not noticing it.

I have also just uploaded my diagnostics file to the team as well and am looking forward to hearing back. I suspect we will see resolution on the next update. It appears to be affecting all of the products where they switched the comparison style (Color Efex Pro 5, Viveza 3, Analog Efex Pro 3 and Silver Efex Pro 3).

I too will result to the slider as a temporary measure, but really like the one click option. Fingers crossed for a speedy bug fix!

I got a reply from DxO that the problem is known and a fix has been developed for inclusion in a future release.