Photolab v7.1.0 build 94 very long startup time

Since I upgraded to Photolab v7.1.0 build 94, the startup time is now very slow.

At startup of PL, there comes a grey screen with the text “To preview the correction for an image, select it in the image browser below”. This screen stays there for about 45 seconds and then the startup proceeds.

Is this windows or mac? Im not geting thst start up on two windows installs. If windows doesn’t sound right

I had a freeze on startup of about a minute running an earlier Photolab 7 release on Windows. DxO support staff suggested running the program as administrator (right click the Photolab shortcut). Indeed, this fixed the freeze issue.

On a whim, I updated the normal user security privileges for the Program Files/DxO folder to allow write/modify. Now a normal double-click of the shortcut opened the program without any freeze (though Photolab has always been slow to open compared to my other applications).

On a further whim, I reset the normal user privileges to disallow write/modify and to my surprise and delight, Photolab continued to open normally (as it has done ever since).

I’ve no idea what the problem was or how what I did fixed it but I would suggest you try that first step of running as admin.

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Results of some further testing on Windows10 64bit:

1/ The screen “To preview the correction for an image, select it in the image browser below” always pops up (it did’t in the previous PL7 build)

2/ I have a NAS connected to my home network on which I store my pictures archive

3/ When NAS is hibernated, the “To preview the correction for an image, select it in the image browser below” screen shows up for only about 2 seconds

4/ When the NAS is up, then the “To preview the correction for an image, select it in the image browser below” screen stays there for many tens of seconds

5/ The above observation is reproducible

6/ The photo opened in PL7 is on my local SSD, not on NAS

Any idea of what goes wrong?

Select the Help menu and see if you have anything selected that you don’t want active - like the learning hub or feature highlights.

Check your Event Viewer logs (Application and System) and if necessary your PhotoLab logs (in your user Documents folder) to see what’s going on during those delays.

One more update.
I browsed randomly in the PhotoLibrary folders, and now the problem seems gone.
It is what it is …