A photo that I took today with my Canon R6 and RF24-240mm lens at 24mm shows bad purple fringing on the trees and barrel distortion on the LH side of the building that I am unable to correct in PL5. The camera’s .jpg file makes the corrections.
I noticed these problems with 5.11.1, to which I had just upgraded. I have restored the system and it is the same result with 5.10.0 build 4856. I checked, and the camera/lens combination is installed.
I don’t notice much purple fringing. The camera was not exactly aimed at the center of the house, but rather at the door. So that makes the left side receeed a little more, exaggerating the distortion. Straight-on architectural shots are difficult and are best when you are standing at the exact center of the building, and keeping the camera pointed as straight ahead as possible so the verticals are vertical and horizontals are exactly horizontal.
Corrected in PL 6.6 and Viewpoint 4 (to slightly shift and straighten the image)
danke vielmals! Ja, viel besser und es verschwindet vollständig, wenn Violette Farbsäume ausgewählt ist.
Das Problem der Tonnenverzerrung bleibt jedoch bestehen – und zwar nur auf der linken Seite und kann nicht manuell behoben werden. Vielleicht ist das Gebäude tatsächlich deformiert!
Very often, in front of an old building our eye corrects the defects. But the objective of the camera is objective!
I simply believe that this building has many geometry problems and that we have to deal with. In particular, the left side is slightly curved… but very little. Part of the corner stones are missing at the bottom, which accentuates the effect…
I corrected the horizon (very little) and straightened the perspective. Then as it is a view taken at 24mm, I made a correction of the volume deformation in ViewPoint:
Hi David,
you took the building in really beautiful light, which shows you all details (!),
but … for this type of photography you might need a different lens.
Super zoom lenses ranging from super wide angle right into telephoto realm are known for a lot of distortions, which are difficult to ‘control’. That is, you either have to pay for superb optical correction (plus the lens is no more relatively compact & light) or it’s ‘corrected’ in-camera by the manufacturer for JPEG output. Quickly searched for a test, i.e. here or here … with some problems indicated. – But, for a 3rd party raw-converter like PL most probably it will be difficult in this case.
Tried a lot of stuff and the distortion is not only left a the left hand side of the building,
but also quite visible in the middle part ( check the verticals by using the grid → Strg/Crtl + G ).
VC1 → IMG_5758.CR3.dop (19,0 KB)
Maybe you have an opportunity to take a similar object (24mm, same distance …) to countercheck, that it wasn’t this historic building being ‘out of shape’.
note – not bashing travel lenses at all, just to get to know their limits
I usually dont actually have any problem with purple fringing or perspective distortion with this lens, which is actually quite remarkable and usually well corrected in PL. However, yesterday I wanted to travel light. (The story of my photographic life: I never have the right lens with me…) We shall return to this place and I will take the RF 16mm, which is also excellent, plus the Laowa 12mm Zero-D!