Photolab Elite features vs addons

Hi, are any of the following addons also contained within Photolab 7 Elite?
DxO FilmPack 7
DxO PureRAW 4
DxO ViewPoint 4
Nik Collection 7


none of them.
technically VP4 and FP7 are within PL but to unlock them you have to pay the extra.

Pureraw is more like a one click get it done, and is not really needed if you use PL as you can achieve the same result.

Nik Collection is a set of plugin, can be use from PL but you won’t be working on your raw file but a .tiff file.

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Exactly the info I was looking for, thanks so much!

PureRAW is included in PL7 Elite but the others are not activated without purchasing a licence. If you have a licence then you can activate the features that are built into PL7 without the need to download the standalone versions.