PhotoLab applies same settings to all photos

Suddenly PL started to apply the same settings to each photo that I am opening, overwriting the settings I have selected. Therefore my own settings seems to be lost without any option to recover them. Seems hours of work have been wiped out… any help would be greatly appreciated.

Classical mistake is to keep many files selected and begin to modify one of them, unfortunately, it modifies all of them. The solution is to undo all the changes.

As long as you stay in the same session, you can recover the initial state with the help of the history.

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Happened to me too. My mistake, obviously. Still, a nuisance.

In the past I have requested to implement a confirmation dialog box, to avoid such user errors. Something in the line of “you have selected multiple images, are you sure you want to apply these corrections to all? YES/NO”. As many other requests, it went unanswered.

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Thanks for your reply. Even in the same session I was not able to recover the previous settings apparently. Hope I can restore the backup.

Something weird is that photos opens with the proper settings. Then PL “generates preview” and replaces my settings with those “default” settings.

So it wasn’t the classical mistake (I have done it more than once, like Luca).
Did you change the preset that is applied during the launch of PL? Normally, if you did so, I believe it should only be applied to the new files in the directory.
Mac or PC?

No I did not change the presets and this is on PC.

Still it could be the same issue, PL might store the modified image in a cache and then apply the settings.

in preferences is a new photo intake setting:

make your own default and then all your new inquested images wil have this preset.

to see what is gone wrong you have two places:
history and the dop file:

open in note pad and you can see what’s done.

smal tip: create a sub folder for backup dopfiles inside your photofolder when you are done editting that folder:

when something goes wrong you can easily throw away the wrong ones and replace them with your back up.
check your boxes: by not safe settings in dop file you can manually do this by select all and export settings to dopfile at the end of your session. (don’t forget otherwise your new edttingsettings are only in the Database of DxOPL.)
This way your dop files are protected for mistakes.

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This behavior sounds very strange, and is not something I’ve experienced on Windows 11. By any chance, had these images been previously edited with a NEWER or OLDER version of PhotoLab? Or did you recently use an older version of PhotoLab while also using the version you’re currently using? I wonder if your database file is where it’s supposed to be, or if your installation of PhotoLab is pointing to an older one (which is an installation error that sometimes happens - no one seems to know why). Check Settings > Preferences to make sure everything looks right and that no files from another installation of PhotoLab are being used.

This is a trial version that I installed a couple of weeks ago. This is the only version I have ever installed.

Something strange: I restored previous versions of the DOP files, but PL still showing photos with the default settings. It looks like it is ignoring the DOP file.

Finally, I managed to restore the correct photo settings. Here ate the steps in case it happens to some else:

  • Close PL
  • Delete the database (keep a copy just in case)
  • Restore the previous version of the DOP files
  • Open PL

PL will automatically recreate an empty database and stop ignoring the restored DOP file.

Of course this will only work if you have a backup of previous versions of the DOP files, or of the database.

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PL should have a setting to revert an image to the state before opening the folder and editing.

Classical mistake is to keep many files selected and begin to modify one of them, unfortunately, it modifies all of them. The solution is to undo all the changes.

Good luck with that. I recently was working through a set of images making pick selections, when I stupidly did select all to synchronise the colour temperature. Unfortunately, I then hit ‘x’, which wiped out all the selections.

But undo does not work with some changes, including pick/reject selection.

An hour of work wasted, and all because DxO seems incapable of implementing that most basic of application functions correctly. Every other major application gets undo right, and the last time that I checked it is 2024 not 1994.

It occurred again. This time I am sure I did not select all images since they are in different folders. Hours of work lost. It seems that it reverted to a previous version of the settings.

Does anyone from DxO care to reply?

The DxO staff do normally not do support questions through the forum.
You should file a support ticket instead which is the correct channel to go through.

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So it seems that this is not the same issue this time. I had applied FilmPack presets using the trial version. Once the trial expires, PhotoLab somehow cancels the presets related to FilmPack without any warning.

Ahh I see.
There’s some logic to that as PL applies the functions n real time for the preview and export of that’s used and your trial license is no longer valid, the algorithm for the effect can not be applied.

Any previously exported images would of course not be affected.

A notice about this would have been great through.

Not any more sadly.
Few years back they popped in to answer questions and explaining unclear matters which where posted in threads.
But i think because of the change they made in the function of the forum,
They deleted the “feedback” from the string to that participation is gone. Why? Your gues is as good as mine.
Probably because of too much time consuming and sometimes discusions/ critics which are then in the open instead of person to person. (the now customer-support aproach.)

It is what it is.