[PhotoLab 7.8.0] JPEG export from OM-D EM-5 MkIII raw file

The JPEG export from OM-D EM-5 MkIII ORF raw file gives a very pixelated photo.

You will need to give much more detail before anybody can help you with this problem, for starters:

  1. What operating system are you using?
  2. Which DxO application are you using, PhotoLab or PureRAW?
  3. What version of the software are you using?
  4. What settings have you chosen in the Export dialog box? (screen shot of that dialog would be helpful)
  5. Can you share your RAW file, to see if others here can reproduce your problem?
  1. The OS is Windows 11
  2. The application is Photolab 7.8.0
    JMLX-OMD-EM5_202400717_7170014.ORF (18,2 Mo)

Screenshot from the RAW to JPEG export

Uncheck “Redimensionner”

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So you’re:

  • resizing an image that at 300 ppi has a native size of about 44 x 33 cm
  • down to only 12 x 8.9 cm
  • and then you are zooming in on what looks like an area of only about 2.5 x 1 cm.

Given that, I’m not surprised you can see pixelation.

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Correct. If I uncheck “Redimensionner”, it’s better.
Thank you very much.

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Just for clarification: It’s not just that you have “Redimensionner” checked/ticked ;

  • What’s causing the pixilation you’re seeing is (as @stuck points out) that you have specified resizing of your image down to “only 12 x 8.9 cm”.