Photolab 6 - stable version?

So I think I will try this one, since it is the the most up to date.
And I will try a full uninstallation before it, as @platypus suggested.

At one point In PL6 Moire was a problem for me. I am not sure when it was no longer an issue.


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Since the v6.3.1 many blocking problems have been fixed, see the release notes.


I read all those notes. But never read something related to my problem since v6.3.1. (except, maybe, the universal “minor bug fixes and improvment” - but it is not a minor bug I have).
I didn’t upgrade since v6.3.1 because I saw other problems in following versions on this forum, and I didn’t want to check if those problems were worse than mine.

Since your current version seems almost unusable much of the time, what do you have to lose? You can always reinstall it.


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You may have a look here … (6.10.0) and here … (6.11.0 Build 302).

I use always the newest PL version (and newest Win11, and newest graphic-driver) and without some minor handling-problems (which are now fixed) had have no problems.

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So i think I should uninstall before reinstalling the last V6 version.

@JoPoV That appears to be the major consensus here, i.e. use Win 10 uninstall and then install PL6.11.0.

Under no circumstances set your ‘performance option’ to ‘CPU only’ if you have selected DP or DP XD otherwise you are likely to suffer from extreme CPU usage as you move the Noise reduction window around the image.

However, that is exactly what I did when testing ‘CPU only’ on earlier (than 6.11.0) but later than 6.3.1 releases and although the CPU maxed out throughout the tests DxPL did not fault throughout those punishing tests?

However, the reason for the system maxing out while using ‘CPU only’ is because the CPU is being used in place of the GPU during those moves to render the NR window and what can easily be achieved by a GPU (or even an IGPU) requires a lot of CPU, even for such a small window!

If a GPU is available it will be used briefly during those moves. Here I have set DxPL to use the 4600 IGPU and I am moving the preview window about the image

Could it indicate a problem between DxPL and your GPU when you get errors during that particular activity, I don’t know but it seems slightly suspicious!?

Try the upgrade, do the tests that have failed previously and see how things go.

PS:- Please note with the IGPU (not very powerful in the i7-4790K) the progress spinning icon in the NR preview never stops spinning and the NR display cannot keep up with the movement of the preview window around the image.

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I’m now using PLv7 - - but I still have PLv6 installed, for comparative purposes.

Various “issues” (typically GPU related) started with PLv6.9 … So, I reckon anyone experiencing such problems would be best with PLv6.8 (Build# 242) - or earlier.

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Until very recently, when I upgraded to PL7, I’ve been using PL 6 Elite 6.11.0 Build 302, on Windows 10 Home with a graphics card that is “partially supported” - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti. I haven’t experienced any problems with this version, with the graphics card selected for DeepPRIME acceleration (and DeepPRIME selected for all my images).

There was, briefly, a problem with an earlier release of PL6 - 6.10 - which resulted in the graphics card being ignored and the CPU maxing out - but this was corrected with a hotfix and the problem hasn’t reoccurred.

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@John-M while I understand the caution I believe that the problem became particularly serious for some users with PL6.10 as @SAFC01 indicated but was fixed in the PL6.11 (as @SAFC01 also indicated).

I have PL 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 installed (all Elite and full versions) and DxOpticspro 7 (as a trial), 9 (GIFT Elite) and 11 (Elite) should anyone want to go back that far!

PL4 is useful for generating pre PL5 DOPs if required.

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Yes - It started with 6.9 - and was really bad with 6.10 … and “fixed”, as you say, with 6.11.

For someone wishing to be very cautious, tho, I suggest 6.8 as known to be w/o problems.


I’m using 6.11.0. No issues at all. Works like a charm.

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I’ve installed v6.11.0 and for now (no lot of tests yet) it seems to be ok.

Thanks for your advices.

Not a direct answer to your question but I also, after many years of updates, decded not to buy v7. Adding luminosity masks (as well as the already there fine contrast sliders) to film emulation software but not to basic processing sofware is (imo - clearly others differ) ethically wrong, wrong for me and wrong for business. I’ve subscribed to PS and LR and now use dxo largely for raw processing. It’s irritating, but protest has had no effect, so sometimes you just need to move on, life is too short.

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In which case, Stuart, you might wanna have a look at DxO PureRAW … It works as a front-end RAW batch-processor into PS & LR.

All who have a license for PhotoLab can spare themselves from PureRaw imo. DPR does not add anything, it duplicates and dummyfies a few features and omits the rest while not being that much less costly.

Those without licenses for PhotoLab should trial DPR, but I still feel that PhotoLab Elite is the one to get, unless one can be happy with limited choices.

I agree, but … Stuart said he’s using PS & LR, and using PL only for Raw processing … In which case, PureRAW might be a more convenient option - 'cos it can batch process into LR.

PL can do that too… Nevermind though. If one has DPL, there is no need for DPR. The most striking annoyance with DPR is, that lens sharpening is too strong in its default setting and that there is only one step that adds some mild sharpening. And I don’t like the “it’s either on or off” approach…too much of that in today’s political discussions already.