Photolab 5 Today?

long live version 4 !
same: no interest for me in this version which brings me nothing (or almost) with dxo in general it’s interesting to skip a version …
I’m in no hurry I’ll wait for the 6

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Still no support for iPhones more recent than the X or HEIC import. Also no generic DNG support to at least render images from cameras that aren’t explicitly supported. Nothing for me :man_shrugging:


Some 8 months ago I made a future request - implementing Luminance and Color mask .

The DxO team made a contact with me ( mail) . and asking for some questions.

Today DxO PL5 have gotten both Luminance and Color mask , which is a game changer for me ( hopefully they will improve the masking over time) .

This is the same as Range mask in Lightroom , which I just love.

I will definitely upgrade to PL5.
I will probably ditch the Adobe pack in near future.

Thanks to the team for listening …



I strongly suggest downloading the PL 5 30-day trial first before purchasing to ensure the new version meets your requirements.



I will.
Have just seen two videos by Robin Whalley and Photo Joseph , and being impressed.

To what I’ve seen , the new masking has still room for further improvements ( fine tuning …)

The Control Lines are a very powerful tool especially when used in conjunction with control points. You can have positive and negative control lines and positive and negative control points all together and use them in conjunction with the chroma/luma sliders. It does take some time to master the technique but it’s a very powerful combination of features.



I was going to update although only improving local settings interests me. Impossible since Mojave is no longer supported. Pity.

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In the demo I watched there was something done to show what was selected and how it changed. What do you do to display just the selection to see that as it’s useless without being able to see the changes.

Yes, upgraded components. But it would be nice to see some feature updates as point releases during the year.

As always its seems to minor improvements. Company wants sell the product to wider group of users - in this version adds Fuji xtrans support. This been reqested many times here. For those users is game changer as was 3,4 years for others. And its ok.

For me personaly, this update changes almost nothing. New tool in local corrections, and adding aditional sliders for chrome and luma its just ok, but still miss corrections via luminosity or color range. Still miss local HSL corrections with own masks. Still miss simple radial filter - now if we set chrome and luma to value 0, correction becomes a circle. So mayby its the way…

Many of major feature was relased in 1.5 and 2.0 versions(u points, color profiles, lens corrections, smart lighting, clearview…) Succesors offers a Little bit more feautures that was minor. Im running on third version of Photolab and in my opinion, now with this changes it does not worth the extra money, that I must pay for the update to v5. I will cross fingers for dxo and still waiting for new features in next versions. This one is not for me.


Yes same here,I (was) so happy with version 4 and I really don’t see much change in version 5 to justify 127€ upgrade with the film pack, STILL NO SUPPORT for iPhones above XS?!?!? can’t open DNG files from iPhone (unknown type) I CAN OPEN THEM in Lightroom, so instead of leaving LR for DXO I believe now well it was nice, but back to LR and the new features they are bringing seem very interesting, also the upgrade price for DXO is almost the yearly subscription for Creative Photo Cloud
So if they launch a new version every year and expect us to upgrade, well sorry if they do not do spectacular things are MAJOR improvements then I will just “stick” with CC, that has also Photoshop in it so not much that can beat that.
I was expecting Skin softening algorithms and so but none nada zero, in fact I can not even find some big changes versus version 4, so … what DID change???
sorry but I am disappointed


I‘m happy that finally - after one year or so - the annoying memory consumption of DXO 4 on Mac devices has been solved. Now directly to the next beta-testing? No thanks!

Have to say I’m slightly disappointed, I forked out around £250 less than 6 months ago to purchase PL4, FP & VP package and now I find I have to pay to upgrade? You would think they would offer some sort of free upgrade within the first 12 months of purchase.


As a user I like this idea BUT I am not aware of any software company that has a grace period of 12 months for a free upgrade.

Take a look at Mr. Hamricks Vuescan…bought it 2005 for my Microtek scanner, got every update since 2005, and last month I can still use it with my opticPlus Filmscanner.

Thanks to Mr. Hamrick and his son

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PhaseOne does with CaptureOne.

12 months is the recicle time for renewal so then any 1st version update is free. Then the purchase just becomes 2x as expensive. What would be fair though is a reversed expiration. 1 month before upgrade is 12/12 back 3 months before upgrade is 12-3 is 9/12 discount.
So in your 6 months 50% 6/12 discount.
Which means that next year you pay normal fee.

But then again stepping on the train is alway’s the first year extra expensive.
Everyone knows there is a upgrade/update every year around october and 2 or 3 free fixes and minor updates along the year of the same version.
You could skip this update and jump to v6.
But i would say the luminosity and chroma slider in local adjustment alone is the update wordy. Once you learn to use locals in it’s full capacity you understand the importancy of selectivity improvement in upoint masking. It’s almost layermasking based on chroma, color, or luminosity, brightnes.

Export of keywords and such in xmp, yes good but that’s can also be handled by other apps. Stil it’s a good thing they did spent recources to implement.
See it as a buildingblock, a fundation.
Xtrans support was long ask feature request and if you understand how deepprime and prime and optical module works on a raw file then you understand the impact on the algorithm to squeeze in xtranssensors.
Most updatework is done “under the hood” not immidiate visible.
Preformensspeed (also a complain of some) , xtrans, DAM, and some fine tuning ,expansion of excisting toolset. It’s renovation work in the buildingstructure so to speak.
And as anyone who did renovation work in houses most of your time and money goes in not visible things. :yum:

So yes, about the steep second pricetag, i had the same feeling when i bought v1.2 elite suite and must do a full update price after 5months but in the end DxOPL is evolved in a great powerfull rawdeveloper.
Not a pixel editor or a do it all but what it does does it good.

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In 2017 I’ve bought Affinity Photo v1.1
Updates for this version comes untill today for free…


DeepPrime is 4 times faster on M1 mac

V4.3.3 is the latest version.