It seems to me like the biggest detriment I have in capture a sharp image of distant objects has nothing to do with me and my gear, but the weather.
I woke up around 8am, looked at the skyline, and it was better than yesterday, but not really clear. By 10am it was better, and at 11am I took the following photo with my D750 and my 24-85 lens, zoomed out to 85. Shot at f/10 and 1/1600th, on tripod, with Nikon remote shutter actuator, with 2 second delay. The buildings and ships looked reasonably clear, and while I was still under a clear blue sky, the photo shows this huge “cloud” formation that was moving towards me. By 11am, the buildings were no longer clear to my eyes, and it hasn’t changed much over the past hour.
I’ll post the latest image, but first a “how-to” question.
Since I have two monitors, can I use one full display for full-screen image of what I’m editing, and move the left, right, and bottom palettes to my other screen?
Here’s the latest image, which is more-so a test than a finished image:
MM2_0207 | 2022-02-20.nef (27.6 MB)
MM2_0207 | 2022-02-20.nef.dop (15.2 KB)