PhotoLab 5 Color rendering picks wrong camera body

According to my (possibly wrong) understanding, presenting an image of a raw file (which is basically a sector dump) is always an interpretation. It stands to reason, then, that for this interpretation, PhotoLab uses the characteristics of the camera found in the EXIF data. This is probably what Wolfgang meant when he said that, " Camera default rendering” is your correct camera body."

I took a raw file from my D750, opened it in PhotoLab with all corrections turned off. I exported the result as a JPEG. I then turned on only the color rendering, which I set it to camera body and Nikon D750. I exported that result as a JPEG, too. Careful examination of the two JPEG files show absolutely no difference. However, as soon as you pick, for instance, the standard preset, PhotoLab evaluates things based on not just the camera body and lens, but also on the current image. At that point, changing the color rendering to camera body will, indeed, show a difference.

I have found that in the majority of cases, I prefer the color rendering I obtain by switching to camera body, at least in the case of the D750. For this reason alone, it would be very convenient to have the camera that took the picture preselected when choosing this mode of color rendering rather than going to the first entry in a long list. It’s still strange to me that this is not done automatically, but at least now I know what is going on.

Thanks to all who have responded; I really do appreciate the input as it certainly helped me understand what is going on. This really is a great forum!

DxO standard presets do all kinds of things to colour and tonality, e.g. with smart lighting and the other settings that adapt automatically, depending on circumstances, e.g. distance and focal length settings. If images treated with standard presets turned out like with “No Correction”, why should we use the presets then? (rhetorical question)

  • It emulates the camera standard rendering (if the combination ‘Generic renderings+Camera default rendering’ is selected). And you will have the same result if you select ‘Camera body + your body’ and set “Protect saturated colors” to 0.

Camera body option is mostly used when you want to apply a color rendering from one body to the other one for example.

Svetlana G.


Thank you, @sgospodarenko

Another question for understanding: If I can emulate the looks of a Nikon based on a raw image of a Canon, DPL would have to do something like a) standardize the look of the Canon image and then b) re-render it to a Nikon look:

  • canonlooks / canonrendering = standardised
  • standardised x nikonrendering = nikonlooks

I don’t want to reverse engineer DPL, but if it does as you say, something like above must be present. It would be interesting to see the standardised (intermediate) image, which could look like UniWB. While the above is speculation, it seems to be logical.


let me clarify how DxO color renderings work.
When we add support a camera we have to provide color parameters as RAW images don’t have one. We try to mimic, more or less, the standard rendering of the JPG from the camera. I say more or less as now with all camera possibilities and the fact they adapt colors to the light and the scene it can’t be accurate. The point is we don’t replicate all possible renderings from your camera (neutral, landscape, monochrome, …).
And we add the entry of the camera in the menu [Color rendering / camera body]. Cameras can be grouped as makers don’t always provide new colors for a new camera.

When you open a RAW image in PhotoLab you get “Default rendering” in the color rendering panel. This is the exact same thing as if you had selected you camera in the menu [Color rendering / camera body].
Result is you get colors and cotnrast we calibrated. So if you had selected a specific rendering in your camera then our rawconversion will be diffferent from the JPG of your camera.

Purpose of the menu is to apply the rendering of a camera on images from other cameras. For example if you gather files from different person at a wedding and you want to harmonize colors. But it will be the one we calibrated.

@dkiechle difference with everything turned off and only color rendering applied can be protection of saturated colors which is a parameter of color rendering panel. Other possibility is if you chose a rendering different than “default” or the one of your camera.

I hope this can help.



If I may just add…

By downloading Adobe DNG Converter, you get loads of DCP profiles for all sorts of cameras.

On a Mac they are stored under /Library (not ~/Library)

These can provide a rendering of what Adobe reckon is appropriate for the in-camera “picture controls” or whatever your camera calls JPEG renderings.


@Marie I’m still not quite there.

If I manually select a different rendering, what does happen then?

  1. the original rendering is removed and the manually selected rendering is applied
    (remove the reading glasses and put on sunglasses instead)

  2. the manually selected rendering is put on top of the original rendering
    (wear sunglasses and the reading glasses)

Proposal: As these questions reappear every now and then, I propose that the manual should be complemented with the answer.

Never used DCP-profiles, but the Adobe Standard output (in LR 5.7 the one from 2012).
While I wasn’t fond of really, I used it for the raw conversion and went on with PS and Nik Filter. :slight_smile:

Hello @platypus ,

we talk about RAW images here, so we don’t need to apply a rendering then removing it to apply another. RAW doesn’t have a rendering at first so we directly apply the one selected in the menu. As long as image is not exported nothing is definitive.



We are getting closer, @Marie

… nevertheless, properties differ between model “families” (selection of camera models with sensors with similar properties) and therefore, selecting a profile will simply add properties - unless the original properties are compensated.

That being the key point, I reckon, in response to questions & observations above.

Thanks, Marie … Very helpful to have this confirmed.

John M

I’ve noticed the same thing with my D750.

Hi everyone,
I’d like to add the UX aspect on this particular topic…

PL uses the “Generic rendering / Camera default rendering” profile which, as described above by Marie & Svetlana, emulates the standard color rendering for each (supported) camera.

Some users, seeing “Camera default rendering” think that PL applies a “one-size-fits-all” profile instead of the one that was created in our labs, and they then dig into the menu to find the “right profile” instead…This is due to the words/phrasing that we have in the dropdown menu.

Because camera/lens profiling & calibration is our core DNA, we want to be sure that all users get it from start, with no doubts whatsoever…
We take notice of this issue (misleading wording), and are going to address it in a future update.



OK. here’s comes Miss Pedantic :wink:

My Nikon cameras have a choice of “default” renderings, in that I can choose the JPEG rendering that I see on the back of the camera and that will be applied to the embedded JPEG in the RAW file.

Is it possible that people are confusing the term “default” with this idea?

When you mention default, are you talking about the default rendering that DxO creates from the RAW data or the selected default on the camera?

Hi Miss Pedantic,
And welcome to our forum :wink:

Probably, the term “default” (the in-camera default value) might confuse users even further…

BTW, what I mean with “default” is the color rendering profile which is applied to the RAW file by PL for a specific body. This profile, as stated a few posts above by Marie, mimics the “standard/generic/default” color rendering for your specific camera…

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I’m sorry to be a bit of a pest on this but, Nikon cameras have a “Picture Control” menu, which contains several renderings as “standard”. It is up to the user to decide which one they prefer. Could you clarify which one of those would be considered the “standard/generic/default”? Or have I still got hold of the wrong end of the stick? :blush:

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I guess we need to poke @Marie again…
Marie, if you can, could you please tell Joanna a bit more :pray:?


I suppose that it’s the one that corresponds to this one…

If I’m not mistaken , it’s the neutral version and in case of Nikon Picture Control → set to flat.
also see → PhotoLab 5 Color rendering picks wrong camera body - #5 by Wolfgang


the “standard/generic/default” is the one set by the camera when you first use it, the rendering you will have if you reset your camera to factory settings.
I hope this time it’s clear. And as Steven said PL teams are working on clarifying the menu.
